As in the comment in your bug-report by Romain, you're using too much
Note that you only have 16MByte total available RAM for your process,
including your bitmaps.

- Only load the bitmaps that are absolutely necessary (especially when
they become quite large).
- Load the bitmaps scaled to the size of your screen, if possible. Use
BitmapFactory.decode and set the 'inSampleSize' of your bitmap-options
to scale down the size of the bitmap to be loaded and rendered on the

On Nov 25, 12:46 pm, Matt Kanninen <> wrote:
> <a href="";>Issue
> 5045</a>
> On Nov 25, 9:37 am, Matt Kanninen <> wrote:
> > This:
> >         private static final int[] glowDrawableIds={
> >                 R.drawable.graphic_microphoneglow_01,
> >                 R.drawable.graphic_microphoneglow_02,
> >                 R.drawable.graphic_microphoneglow_03,
> >                 R.drawable.graphic_microphoneglow_04,
> >                 R.drawable.graphic_microphoneglow_05,
> >                 R.drawable.graphic_microphoneglow_06,
> >                 R.drawable.graphic_microphoneglow_07,
> >                 R.drawable.graphic_microphoneglow_08,
> >                 R.drawable.graphic_microphoneglow_09,
> >                 R.drawable.graphic_microphoneglow_10
> >         };
> > ...
> > View glow = findViewById(;
> > ..
> > glow.setBackgroundResource(glowDrawableIds[scale]);
> > is causing
> > 11-25 09:21:02.046: WARN/UsageStats(1018): Failed to persist new stats
> > 11-25 09:21:02.694: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2386): GC freed 298 objects / 15656
> > bytes in 61ms
> > 11-25 09:21:02.952: ERROR/dalvikvm-heap(2386): 1111680-byte external
> > allocation too large for this process.
> > 11-25 09:21:02.952: ERROR/(2386): VM won't let us allocate 1111680
> > bytes
> > 11-25 09:21:02.952: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(2386): Shutting down VM
> > 11-25 09:21:02.952: WARN/dalvikvm(2386): threadid=3: thread exiting
> > with uncaught exception (group=0x4001b180)
> > 11-25 09:21:02.952: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2386): Uncaught handler:
> > thread main exiting due to uncaught exception
> > 11-25 09:21:03.014: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2386):
> > java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget
> > 11-25 09:21:03.014: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2386):     at
> > Method)
> > 11-25 09:21:03.014: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2386):     at
> >
> > 11-25 09:21:03.014: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2386):     at
> >
> > 11-25 09:21:03.014: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2386):     at
> >
> > 11-25 09:21:03.014: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2386):     at
> >
> > 11-25 09:21:03.014: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2386):     at
> >
> > 11-25 09:21:03.014: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2386):     at
> >
> > 323)
> > 11-25 09:21:03.014: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2386):     at
> >
> > (
> > 11-25 09:21:03.014: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2386):     at
> > android.content.res.Resources.loadDrawable(
> > 11-25 09:21:03.014: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2386):     at
> > android.content.res.Resources.getDrawable(
> > 11-25 09:21:03.014: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2386):     at
> > android.view.View.setBackgroundResource( Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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