One observation,

It is working fine if I am giving hardcoded package as

am.restartPackage("demo.test");   rather than

 am.restartPackage(pkg.substring(0,pkg_point)); .

Here it is showing error that : Invalid package : demo.test
which is same as I had given inside quotes.

Any suggestions??

On Dec 9, 3:02 pm, Asif k <> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  Can I have any working example of restartPackage() API.
> Thanks in advance,
> Asif
> On Dec 9, 2:56 pm, Asif k <> wrote:
> > Hi justinh,
> >    Thanks for your reply.
> > > Is that the package name you have defined in your Manifest for the
> > > package attribute?
> > yess thats the package name that is there in manifest file. I am
> > finding the package name from the main activity as shown bellow ,
> > String pkg = "demo.test.MyActivity";
> >         int pkg_point= pkg.lastIndexOf('.');
> >         am.restartPackage(pkg.substring(0,pkg_point)); // am is Activity
> > Manager
> > Is there any better/other way to find out the package and give as an
> > input parameter to restartPackage() ??
> >  >Also, you need to provide the parameter as a
> > > String.
> > Ya it is the string but in the previous post , I had written it
> > manually in this mail to replace pkg.subString(0,pkg_point) for better
> > understanding.
> > But still I am getting the same error as " 12-09 15:13:56.893: WARN/
> > ActivityManager(58): Invalid packageName: 1: demo.test "
> > Waiting for inputs,
> > Asif- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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