Yeah, I would like to do that.  What sort of View would I parent off
of though?  AbsoluteLayout is the only type of layout that I can find
that will allow me to assign coordinates to.

How would I write a layout to do this?

On Dec 21, 5:42 pm, Paul Turchenko <> wrote:
> I would suggest creating your own layout for this purpose.
> On Dec 21, 10:01 pm, k_day <> wrote:
> > I understand the problems with assigning a fixed position to UI
> > components, but I would like to use AbsoluteLayout in a way such that
> > the position of the components are chosen dynamically, calculated
> > based on the screen size.
> > Here is why I am thinking this may be easiest:
> > I want to display a nXm grid of imageViews on the screen (n,m chosen
> > by the user) with 0 padding betweeen the imageViews.  With
> > absoluteLayout, I could easily choose the size of the imageViews and
> > in a way that maximizes the amount of the screen that is used.
> > The reason that using relativeLayout or LineraLayouts may not work for
> > this is because when a user touches an image in this grid, I would
> > like it to "pulse" (quickly scale larger than back to its normal
> > size).  If I scale an imageView using realtive or linear layout, it
> > would resize the adjacent imageViews (since the padding is 0), which I
> > don't want.  I would prefer permitting temporary overlapping of the
> > imageViews.
> > This is currently the approach I have taken, except instead of
> > changing the position of imageViews, I am just drawing bitmaps to the
> > canvas at the locations I calculated.  I can't use the animation
> > framework, however, on bitmaps that I draw to a canvas.
> > Is this an acceptable use for AbsoluteLayout, or is there a better way
> > to achieve what I want to do here?

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