Thanks for your reply!!
I didn't think of your idea!!

As you wrote, I managed to capture zoom in/out manipulation in onDraw
() method.
---onDraw method---
   tempZoom = mapView.getZoomLevel();
   if (tempZoom != mZoomLevel) {
       bla bla bla
   mZoomLevel = tempZoom;

Thank you very much!!


On Jan 15, 2:34 pm, JP <> wrote:
> I can't give you a direct answer but the following might help: Create
> an overlay to capture zoom level, canvas dimensions and map center
> when the overridden Overlay.onDraw() is called. This is universal in
> the sense that it will also capture users (or your app) manipulating
> the app outside of the zoom controls.
> On Jan 13, 9:43 pm, Vincent <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Does anybody know how to catch the map zoom in/out event for Android
> > 1.5?
> > Before Android 1.5, I can use ZoomControls which has a
> > setOnZoomInClickListener().
> > In order to get zoom controls, I can write like this:
> >     ZoomControls mZoom = (ZoomControls) mMapView.getZoomControls();
> > But, since 1.5, the mMapView.getZoomControls() is deprecated.
> > Instead of this, the documentation suggests using
> > mMapView.setBuiltInZoomControls.
> > Since 1.6, I can use ZoomButtonsController, which has a set
> > OnZoomListener().
> > In order to get zoom button controls, I can write like this:
> >    ZoomButtonsController mZoom = (ZoomButtonsController)
> > mMapView.getZoomButtonsController().setOnZoomListener(this);
> > So, how can I get map zoom in/out event without using
> > mMapView.getZoomControls() for Android 1.5 ?
> > thanks.
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