On Jan 19, 8:47 pm, "dye...@wivsys.com" <dye...@wivsys.com> wrote:
> When setting the action to ACTION_VIEW and type to "vnd.android-dir/
> mms-sms" on the calling intent, multiple phone numbers can be passed
> via the address attribute using a semi-colon delimited list:

Yes, I am familiar with using the address attribute (set by
intent.putExtra) to specify one or more phone numbers.  It's not
documented, however, so it's not guaranteed to work in the future.
That said, neither is the "body_text" attribute or the mms: / mmsto:
scheme documented either.  I'll raise a request to get these added to
the API documentation and an additional intent filter created so that
there will be an officially documented way to send MMS, supplying
defaults for the addressee list, body text and attachment.
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