I'm not sure if my explanation is clear?  It seems that during the
life cycle of an activity the getIntent().getDataString() will return
the same intent data it originally got when the activity gets
terminated and restarted.

This issue is easily reproduced when the activity goes to the
background and android terminates it and than comes back to the

Any clues how to remove the intent data completely so that I don't get
repeated requests when this scenario is seen?


On Jan 20, 6:49 pm, Moto <medicalsou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I currently make my activity support few different MIME types and I
> receive the request at onCreate() than I do the following to actually
> get the request:
> String data = getIntent().getDataString();
> String type = getIntent().getType();
> Once I get the request, I remove the request from the intent so that
> every time the onCreate get's called I don't process that request
> again:
> this.getIntent().setDataAndType(Uri.parse(""), "");
> this.getIntent().removeExtra("data");
> this.getIntent().removeExtra("type");
> Currently this works but if the activity goes to the background and
> eventually get's terminated and I return the activity to the
> foreground the request returns data from the previous request...
> Why?  How can I remove a request completely?  On screen rotation I
> don't get the request any longer... so what's up with activity being
> restarted request shows up again?
> Thanks!
> -Moto

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