
Can anyone point me to the right way of drawing a circle as part of a
ListView row ? The code below used to work ok in some android beta SDK
but now under 1.6 it only draws me a black cirle. How can I change
it's colour from getView(..) ?

My code:

public View getView(int position, View convertView,
android.view.ViewGroup parent)
          View singleView;
          LinearLayout lL = new LinearLayout (getContext());

          OvalShape circle = new OvalShape();
          circle.resize(8, 8);
          ShapeDrawable dwb = new ShapeDrawable (circle);
          PointColour clr = ((ListRow) content[position]).pointColour;
          dwb.setColorFilter(Color.argb (clr.getAlpha(), clr.getRed(),
clr.getGreen(), clr.getBlue() ), PorterDuff.Mode.SRC);
          singleView = new ImageView (getContext());
          LayoutParams params = new LayoutParams (10, 10);

          lL.addView(singleView, params);

          singleView = new TextView (getContext());
          ((TextView)singleView).setText((CharSequence) ("  " +
          params = new LayoutParams (189, 20);

          lL.addView(singleView, params);

          return lL;

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