Hi folks

I am having difficulties with the lifecycle of the opengl context.
While rendering my scene and the user hits the back button, home
button or another application opens in front of my application, my app
is still running in the background.

So when my application comes to the foreground later on (user
relaunches it or the app that was opened on top of it finishes), my
application crashes and leaves me nothing but a GL stack trace which i
can't properly decipher.

For rendering i use the GLSurfaceView and therefore delegate the
onPause and onResume. The crash happens on the first call to

I have tried to reload my resource (geometry/textures etc.) on
onSurfaceChanged but with or without reloading... The problem

This behavior can be observed on all AVD versions of the emulator as
well as on the G1.

Here is the gl stacktrace i get. Any help would be greatly


02-07 10:33:26.768: INFO/DEBUG(28): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
02-07 10:33:26.778: INFO/DEBUG(28): Build fingerprint: 'generic/
02-07 10:33:26.778: INFO/DEBUG(28): pid: 403, tid: 410  >>>
com.comp.app <<<
02-07 10:33:26.788: INFO/DEBUG(28): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr
02-07 10:33:26.788: INFO/DEBUG(28):  r0 00001401  r1 0000007e  r2
00000000  r3 00001403
02-07 10:33:26.788: INFO/DEBUG(28):  r4 0041d6c0  r5 00000000  r6
0000007e  r7 0041d6c0
02-07 10:33:26.788: INFO/DEBUG(28):  r8 00000000  r9 0000007b  10
00000000  fp 00137d10
02-07 10:33:26.798: INFO/DEBUG(28):  ip 00000000  sp 46b3bd48  lr
acc86014  pc acc850a0  cpsr 80000010
02-07 10:33:27.368: INFO/DEBUG(28):          #00  pc 000050a0  /system/
02-07 10:33:27.378: INFO/DEBUG(28):          #01  pc 00006010  /system/
02-07 10:33:27.388: INFO/DEBUG(28):          #02  pc 0000f1f4  /system/
02-07 10:33:27.388: INFO/DEBUG(28): code around pc:
02-07 10:33:27.388: INFO/DEBUG(28): acc85090 5affffde e8bd87f0
e1a05002 e3a0a000
02-07 10:33:27.388: INFO/DEBUG(28): acc850a0 e5d51000 e1a00004
ebffff4a e5d51001
02-07 10:33:27.398: INFO/DEBUG(28): acc850b0 e1a06000 e1a00004
ebffff46 e5d51002
02-07 10:33:27.398: INFO/DEBUG(28): code around lr:
02-07 10:33:27.408: INFO/DEBUG(28): acc86004 e0845105 e1a02008
e1a0e00f e595f2c0
02-07 10:33:27.408: INFO/DEBUG(28): acc86014 e8bd81f0 e8bd81f0
e597098c e3a01b01
02-07 10:33:27.408: INFO/DEBUG(28): acc86024 e281c008 e150000c
1affffe1 eafffff7
02-07 10:33:27.418: INFO/DEBUG(28): stack:
02-07 10:33:27.418: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd08  3f800000
02-07 10:33:27.418: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd0c  00000000
02-07 10:33:27.418: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd10  40600000
02-07 10:33:27.428: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd14  3fc00000
02-07 10:33:27.428: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd18  41a00000  /dev/
ashmem/dalvik-LinearAlloc (deleted)
02-07 10:33:27.428: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd1c  3f800000
02-07 10:33:27.438: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd20  000000af
02-07 10:33:27.448: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd24  acf08c14  /system/
02-07 10:33:27.448: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd28  0041d6c0  [heap]
02-07 10:33:27.448: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd2c  acf091ac  /system/
02-07 10:33:27.458: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd30  0041d6c0  [heap]
02-07 10:33:27.458: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd34  acc9b850  /system/
02-07 10:33:27.458: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd38  00001100
02-07 10:33:27.468: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd3c  acc9540b  /system/
02-07 10:33:27.468: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd40  df002777
02-07 10:33:27.468: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd44  e3a070ad
02-07 10:33:27.468: INFO/DEBUG(28): #00 46b3bd48  acc9b008  /system/
02-07 10:33:27.468: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd4c  acc9b018  /system/
02-07 10:33:27.468: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd50  0000007e
02-07 10:33:27.468: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd54  0041d6c0  [heap]
02-07 10:33:27.468: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd58  00000000
02-07 10:33:27.468: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd5c  42f28e48
02-07 10:33:27.468: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd60  42f28e30
02-07 10:33:27.478: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd64  acc86014  /system/
02-07 10:33:27.478: INFO/DEBUG(28): #01 46b3bd68  46b3bda8
02-07 10:33:27.478: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd6c  00000000
02-07 10:33:27.478: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd70  42aadedc  /data/
02-07 10:33:27.488: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd74  42f28e58
02-07 10:33:27.488: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd78  46b3bd88
02-07 10:33:27.488: INFO/DEBUG(28):     46b3bd7c  ad00f1f8  /system/
02-07 10:33:28.908: DEBUG/Zygote(30): Process 403 terminated by signal

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