Did you check if you service is being destroyed (onDestroy) or being
killed (entire service process is being killed by Android) and re-
created later at points in your code that are unexpected?

Put break-points in your service's onCreate, onDestroy and onBind and
see what's going on.

Another question: Do you run your service in a different process or in
the same process as your Activities?

On Feb 8, 5:58 am, Florian Lettner <fl.lett...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > It's unclear from your description just where you're storing your non-
> > static variables. The right way would appear to be in your
> > ServerConnection instance, since that's the static singleton. Your
> > activity will have a much shorter lifespan.
> The variables are stored as class members in the server connection
> class, which is the static singleton. The singleon works fine, I
> checked that. The private ctor is only called once, if the
> getInstance() function is called for the first time. If a call
> setProperty(x); the x value is transported properly to the server
> connection class and applied to the member variable. Checked that too,
> after calling the method the member variable has the desired value. If
> afterwards connect() is called which uses the member variable, the
> member has got its initial value again, like it is a different object.
> However, only one server connection object exists for the application
> (ctor is definitely called only once):
> > There's a fair bit more that's unclear to me from your description as
> > well. It may be that you need to create and bind a service
> > (android.app.Service). I'm not sure you're using "ServerConnection",
> > and "server connection" in the sense of a connection to an
> > android.app.Service, or to a service on some other system accessed via
> > your socket connection.
> The service is needed to keep the application up and running since
> there is additional hardware used for device input (Anoto Pen). It is
> quite complex, but however the service is needed to react on any
> action of the pen also if the application is not in foreground. The
> server connection is needed to send input data to the server (using
> sockets), however, the server connection is not the service. In a
> previous version (before the server connection became a singleton) the
> background service owned a server connection object. Both work well,
> the server connection connects to the external server, sends data and
> receives data and the background service runs to keep track of the
> anoto pen. Additionally the service receives status messages from the
> server class (e.g. socket error, login error, data lost, ...). This
> all works well. The only thing that does not work is that if I set the
> port or IP from the background service or my activity, the data gets
> lost although the debugger tells me that it is in the variable after
> calling the setter.
> > I'm not sure why you had trouble passing data from your activity to
> > your service. If it was an android.app.Service, look at aidl.
> > Without an android.app.Service, your entire application could be going
> > away in between times, if it's not in the foreground. Be sure you
> > understand the application and activity lifecycle. Your choice of
> > whether to use an android.app.Service should be based on how the
> > application lifecycle matches up with when you need this connection to
> > exist and what you're doing with it.
> Life cycle is clear and correctly implemented (works on other
> platforms like Qt, Symbian and J2ME). Service is needed because of
> background communication with external hardware that is connected via
> bluetooth. Has actually nothing to do with the server connection. Its
> only purpose regarding the server connection is to re-login if the
> connection is lost.
> > If you need it to persist solely to avoid authentication, consider
> > getting a time-limited authentication token back instead, and
> > persisting that. This would allow your activity, service, connection,
> > and entire application to go away, and be restarted, and the user
> > would still avoid re-authenticating. You can refresh the token with a
> > new time-limited token on each reconnect or access, so timeout will
> > only happen if the user is idle for an extended period. This can give
> > a more robust user experience.
> I would prefer that solution, however the server is developed and
> provided by Vodafone since this is a bigger university related
> project. So I have to work with their protocol although I would love
> to change some things.
> > I hope this helps, somehow. I know it's hard to do when you're lost,
> > but if you can better describe your circumstance, you can get more
> > useful answers. (Sometimes, doing so even leads you to your own
> > answer!)
> Thank you very much for the detailed explanations, however I am still
> trapped. Never had such a problem before.

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