You must be absolutely sure that the 'alert(Strin msg)' runs in a
different thread than the UI-thread.

Why do it this way?

You can just call showDialog(int dialogID) in your activity.
Then in the onClickListener of this dialog, you can implement the
onClick method to handle the case when the user clicks OK, do what
needs to be done and dismiss the dialog.

On Feb 8, 5:02 pm, guich <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I decided to share the solution i found to the problem of Android not
> supporting real modal dialogs.
> The solution was to draw the dialog by myself. :-( Well, at least
> worked fine, besides the problem that its a bit ugly. :-)
> Here's the code i used:
>    static boolean alertShowing;
>    public static void alert(String msg)
>    {
>       int scrW=instance.getWidth(),scrH=instance.getHeight();
>       alertShowing = true;
>       final int fh = 18;
>       // note: we have to draw the dialog on screen, otherwise if we
> use Dialog, the application just quits
>       String[] msgs = msg.split("\n");
>       Canvas canvas = surfHolder.lockCanvas();
>       // fill with white
>       Paint p = new Paint();
>       p.setColor(0xFFFFFFFF);
>       canvas.drawRect(0,0,scrW,scrH,p);
>       p.setColor(0xFFAAAAAA);
>       int ly = fh+fh/2;
>       canvas.drawRect(0,0,scrW,ly,p);
>       // draw caption in black
>       p.setColor(0xFF000000);
>       p.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);
>       canvas.drawRect(0,0,scrW-1,scrH-1,p);
>       p.setAntiAlias(true);
>       p.setTextSize(fh);
>       p.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD);
>       p.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER);
>       canvas.drawText("ALERT",scrW/2,fh+fh/4,p);
>       canvas.drawLine(0,ly,scrW,ly,p);
>       // draw message
>       int maxy = scrH-fh*2;
>       p.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT);
>       for (int i =0,y=fh*3; i < msgs.length && y < maxy; i++, y += fh
> +2)
>          canvas.drawText(msgs[i], scrW/2, y,p);
>       String ok = "Ok";
>       int tx = scrW/2;
>       int ty = maxy+ly;
>       canvas.drawText(ok,tx,ty,p);
>       Rect bounds = new Rect();
>       p.getTextBounds(ok, 0, ok.length(), bounds);
>       int ww = bounds.width();
>       int hh = bounds.height();
>       canvas.drawRect(tx-ww,ty-hh-3,tx+ww,ty+3,p);
>       surfHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost(canvas);
>       while (alertShowing)
>          try {Thread.sleep(200);} catch (Exception e) {}
>    }
>    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)
>    {
>       if (alertShowing)
>       {
>          alertShowing = false;
>          return true;
>       }
>    }
> HTH.
>    guich

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