Ken H wrote:
> But what if you're using a custom ArrayAdapter? 

And that, exactly?

> Also, I *think*
> AsyncTask is meant for one shot type tasks. A user of this app may
> update this listview multiple times.

:: shrug ::

Fire new instances of the AsyncTask. It uses a thread pool. It is
designed for the specific purpose we are telling you to put it to.

> What is actually happening when you
> flip the phone? It's restarting that activity right?

By default, yes.

> Another question (I'm hitting this problem from multiple angles), how
> do you tell is a thread has ended? If I can tell when the thread ends
> I can do this listview update in the main thread -- which I know
> works.

Step #1: You implement the AsyncTask

Step #2: You override onPostExecute(), which is called on the main
application ("UI") thread when the background work is completed

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) |

Android Training in US: 14-18 June 2010:

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