Have anyone experienced similar problem?

On Feb 3, 9:15 am, Pawel Kapala <ext.pawel.kap...@tieto.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> I am trying to set up multiple Android development environments on
> single Linux Debian machine. Everything works fine for one user. But
> whenever second user on the same machine tries to launch Eclipse (with
> ADT) there is an error displayed, that 8700 port is being used.
> Therefore, the second user is unable to debug. I have researched this
> issue myself and tried following solutions, but I am yet unsuccessful:
> 1) I have changed the DDMS port in Eclipse, for the second user to
> 8740 (Window -> Preferences -> Android -> DDMS -> Base local debugger
> port). No use: Eclipse still opens 8700 port for listening (showed by
> netstat and strace).
> 2) I have run the DDMS before running Eclipse, changed the port in it
> to be 8740 (File -> Preferences -> Debugger -> Port of selected VM).
> Not handy to have DDMS running outside Eclipse, Eclipse still opens
> 8700 port for listening.
> 3) Tried looking in the source code of ADT, found the reference where
> the 8700 port is passed and opened, it looks ok though and leaves me
> without a clue.
> 4) I have found several similar threads, but none of them helped my
> case (piled below for reference):
> 4.1)http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/threa...
> 4.2)http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/threa...
> 4.3)http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/threa...
> What am I missing? Could anyone give me a pointer?
> Using:
> Eclipse 3.5.1
> ADT 0.95
> Debian Lenny
> Thanks,
> --PawelKapala
> Tieto Corporationwww.tieto.com

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