Swetha wrote:
> I am trying to access the sdcard on ADP2 from command prompt using adb
> tool and from window explorer, it says "Access is denied". I have
> followed the below procedure:
> 1) Installed the USB driver from Android site.
> 2) Connected the phone
> 3) Opened the "USB Connected" option from the notification bar of the
> phone, clicked "Mount". Also USB Debugging is enabled.
> 4) I am able to get the device name using "adb devices" command, also
> I am able to install APK file
> But, when I tried to push APK or any text file to the sdcard, it is
> failing. This is the command I tried: "adb push Hello.apk /sdcard", it
> gives an error "Permission denied".

Correct, because the card is in use by the host operating system.

Unmount the card, tell Android (via the Notification) to stop making the
card available, wait for the card to be remounted *within Android*, then
try adb push.

> Also I tried accessing the sdcard from window explorer, it gives an
> error "Access is denied".

Now that I can't explain.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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