You are a life saver. I got this working. I had to use java to build
the core layout because I couldn't get it to work in XML, but after
that I can load up any XML views I want.

On Mar 2, 2:53 pm, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> Ozymandias wrote:
> > Is it possible to do this?
> > There are Toasts, which are great for short information popups. They
> > can't seem to receive touch events as well as requiring hacks to keep
> > showing permanently.
> > There are Dialogs, which are great for...dialogs. They can receive
> > touch events, but steal focus from the view beneath them.
> > I want a way to display UI elements over my game's GLSurfaceView which
> > are created in XML like a normal view. I need them to receive touch
> > input if it's on them, without blocking touch input that's not on
> > them.
> > Does anyone have any ideas?
> Step #1: Put the GLSurfaceView as the first child of a RelativeLayout
> Step #2: Put the other widgets you want as later children of the same
> RelativeLayout
> Step #3: There is no step #3
> The widgets should appear to float over the SurfaceView. They are part
> of your UI and will behave no different than widgets anywhere else
> (e.g., they'll receive click events). If you don't want them to steal
> focus, make them non-focusable (I think there's an attribute or setter
> for that).
> Note that I have used this technique with a regular SurfaceView, and I
> am assuming it also works with GLSurfaceView.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)|
> _Beginning Android_ from Apress Now Available!

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