Thanks for your help. It is very useful for me.

But I am beginner so I don't know that my understanding is correct
even after reading several times.
Please help me guide as a correct way.

In my understanding.


The below code mean that every applications on VM start with 2Mb heap
size. correct.?
And If I want to change initial heap size for every application, I can
do it directly. correct.?
And according to comment, we can pass argument for heap size but in
fact there is no way to pass the parameter
because the VM is embedded in the Android runtime, not launched on the
command line.  correct.?

    gDvm.heapSizeStart = 2 * 1024 * 1024;   // Spec says 16MB; too big
for us.
    gDvm.heapSizeMax = 16 * 1024 * 1024;    // Spec says 75% physical


I searched for CUSTOM_RUNTIME_HEAP_MAX in frameworks/base/core/jni/
AndroidRuntime.cpp but I can't find at all.  ( My platform code is
ecliar. )
Now I just found below code and then I think it means max heap size,
16MB. correct.?
16m -> mega byte or mega bit .??

    property_get("dalvik.vm.heapsize", heapsizeOptsBuf+4, "16m");

In my project, I also found below code in android make( *.mk ) file.

    ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += dalvik.vm.heapsize=32m

Two codes cause same action.correct.? and 32m -> mega byte or mega
bit .?

#3. ( last )
Actually, I don't understand below sentence.
Is it possible to resize heap size in which case there is only one
tread running.?

The less-easy but better approach would be to resize the various heap
structures, which is a bit awkward but
probably doable since there's only thread running at that point where
the zygote forks.


On 3월4일, 오후7시56분, James Wang <> wrote:
> Please 
> read

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