I should add that yes, I could write my own parent widget.

However, I really think this is a bug in Spinner. Using it with
RelativeView leads to it basically ignoring the layout parameters.
Anomalies like this make the toolkit that much harder and more
frustrating to use.

Is this a known bug? I don't see one on it. Is there something I'm

As a workaround, I think that rather than reimplementing RelativeView,
a wrapper view around the Spinner that imposes the layout constraints
properly to/from the child would be better. Or perhaps a subclass of
Spinner with the bug fixed...

It isn't clear to me if the problem is with the measure or the layout
pass. It doesn't appear to be due to failure to relayout on change,
since I wasn't able to change the behavior by forcing a relayout.

Anyway, incorporating the additional stuff directly into the adapter's
views was a simpler approach for me than handling the layout myself,
and had some UI advantages as well.

I wonder if ListView's have the same problem?

On Mar 11, 1:28 am, Bob Kerns <r...@acm.org> wrote:
> I was trying to do the same thing about 24 hours ago. I finally gave
> up, and made what I wanted to coexist with the Spinner be part of the
> view inside the spinner.
> I could find no combination of things that allowed the layout to both
> size the text to the left, and left-align the text within the spinner.
> The items within the spinner are created disconnected from the view
> hierarchy, and so they don't have any interaction with the parent's
> layout at that point, and I couldn't figure out any way to inject the
> proper interaction when they do come together.
> On Mar 9, 5:42 am, mmkr <manutd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >         The default drop down view of the spinner occupies the entire
> > width of the screen. I tried to create a custom spinner which occupies
> > only some portion of the width of the screen, but I'm unable to do. I
> > want to see the objects behind the drop down. Here is what i tried, I
> > changed the drop down view as,
> > adapter.setDropDownViewResource(R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item);
> > instead of
> > adapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_it 
> > em);
> >  In the layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item.xml file I specified the
> > width, but it still occupies the entire width. Can any one help. Is
> > there any other view which is similar to spinner but I should be able
> > to see the background objects like a alert dialog. Is it really
> > possible? Please reply.
> > Thank you.

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