Sorry, i didn't see your earlier reply.

It seems you're cleaning up your bitmaps...

However, it's hard to tell not having the code.
I suggest debugging the code carefully, closely monitoring the
construction and release (bitmap.recycle) of your bitmaps and see if a
lack of releasing bitmaps is the problem or not.

On Mar 16, 4:23 am, REvolver <> wrote:
> No idea?
> On Mar 4, 8:59 am, REvolver <> wrote:
> > > - Are these fields static or are they instance-fields?
> >      Yes, they're static.
> > > - When do you call loadAlphaBlinkingBitmaps or loadProxyBitmaps
> >      All the load Bitmaps methods are called in the gamescreen
> > constructor.
> > > - When do you clear out the mBitmap and mProxy caches? (in onPause,
> > > onDestroy, ...?)
> >      I clear my bitmaps in the gamescreen onDetachedFormWindow
> > On Mar 3, 8:26 pm, Streets Of Boston <> wrote:
> > > The fields mProxy and mBitmap are a bit suspect here. You cache
> > > bitmaps in them.
> > > - Are these fields static or are they instance-fields?
> > > - When do you call loadAlphaBlinkingBitmaps or loadProxyBitmaps
> > > (during onCreate, during onPause, ...)
> > > - When do you clear out the mBitmap and mProxy caches? (in onPause,
> > > onDestroy, ...?)
> > > On Mar 3, 6:05 am, REvolver <> wrote:
> > > > Ok,
> > > > Actually I load several Bitmaps using Bitmap.createBitmap(..) or
> > > > BitmapFactory.decodeResource(...).
> > > > In this snippet I use the first way
> > > >         static public void  loadProxyBitmpas(){
> > > >                 //load the sprites
> > > >                 BitmapFactory.Options op= new BitmapFactory.Options();
> > > >                 op.inPreferredConfig=Config.RGB_565;
> > > >                 int diceSize;
> > > >                 switch(Main.device){
> > > >                 case FWVGA:{
> > > >                         op.inScaled=false;
> > > >                         break;
> > > >                 }
> > > >                 case WVGA:{
> > > >                         op.inScaled=false;
> > > >                         break;
> > > >                 }
> > > >                 case QVGA:{
> > > > //                      diceSize=29;
> > > >                         break;
> > > >                 }
> > > >                 case HVGA:{
> > > >                         break;
> > > >                 }
> > > >                 }
> > > > //              if(Main.runningOnX10){
> > > > //                      op.inScaled=false;
> > > > //              }
> > > >                 int rsId=0;
> > > >                 Bitmap diceSide=null;
> > > >                 for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
> > > >                         switch(j){
> > > >                                 case 0:{
> > > >                                         rsId=R.drawable.dice_white;
> > > >                                         break;
> > > >                                 }
> > > >                                 case 1:{
> > > >                                         rsId=R.drawable.dice_red;
> > > >                                         break;
> > > >                                 }
> > > >                                 case 2:{
> > > >                                         rsId=R.drawable.dice_black;
> > > >                                         break;
> > > >                                 }
> > > >                         }
> > > >                         Bitmap
> > > > tempBitmap=BitmapFactory.decodeResource(Main.instance.getResources(),rsId,o­­p);
> > > >                         
> > > > diceSize=tempBitmap.getWidth()/NUMBER_OF_DICE_SPRITES;
> > > >                         Log.d("diceSize", " " + diceSize);
> > > >                         for (int i = 0; i < DiceBody.SPRITE_COUNT; i++) 
> > > > {
> > > >                                 Matrix matrix=null;
> > > >                                 if(Main.device==Device.QVGA){
> > > >                                         matrix=new Matrix();
> > > >                                         matrix.setScale(0.9f,0.9f);
> > > >                                 }
> > > >                                 diceSide = 
> > > > Bitmap.createBitmap(tempBitmap, i * diceSize, 0,
> > > > diceSize, diceSize,matrix,false);
> > > >                                 mProxy[i+(DiceBody.SPRITE_COUNT*j)] = 
> > > > diceSide;
> > > >                         }
> > > >                         tempBitmap.recycle();
> > > >                         tempBitmap=null;
> > > >                 }
> > > >     }
> > > > In the next snippet I use the BitmapFactory:
> > > >         static public void loadAlphaBlinkingBitmaps() {
> > > >                 BitmapFactory.Options op = new BitmapFactory.Options();
> > > >                 op.inPreferredConfig = Config.ARGB_4444;
> > > >                 switch(Main.device){
> > > >                 case FWVGA:{
> > > >                         op.inScaled=false;
> > > >                         break;
> > > >                 }
> > > >                 case WVGA:{
> > > >                         op.inScaled=false;
> > > >                         break;
> > > >                 }
> > > >                 case QVGA:{
> > > >                         break;
> > > >                 }
> > > >                 case HVGA:{
> > > >                         break;
> > > >                 }
> > > >                 }
> > > > //              if(Main.runningOnX10){
> > > > //                      op.inScaled=false;
> > > > //              }
> > > >                 mBitmap[0] =
> > > > BitmapFactory.decodeResource(Main.instance.getResources(),
> > > > R.drawable.nomove, op);
> > > >                 mBitmap[1] =
> > > > BitmapFactory.decodeResource(Main.instance.getResources(),
> > > > R.drawable.icon_fight_small,op);
> > > >                 mAnimation=new AlphaAnimation(0, 1);
> > > >                 mAnimation.setInterpolator(new SinInterpolator());
> > > >                 mAnimation.setDuration(1000);
> > > >                 mAnimation.setRepeatCount(Animation.INFINITE);
> > > >                 mAnimation.setRepeatMode(Animation.REVERSE);
> > > >         }
> > > > Obviusly there are much more Bitmaps loaded but always in the same
> > > > way.
> > > > Quite often the application crashes inflating the new screen layout
> > > > (of course it contains some imageview->bitmaps).
> > > > This is the GameScreen constructor:
> > > >         public GameScreen(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
> > > >                 super(context, attrs);
> > > >                 LayoutInflater inflater = 
> > > > Main.instance.getLayoutInflater();
> > > >                 toastView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.toast_level_name,
> > > >                 (ViewGroup) findViewById(;
> > > >                 toast = new Toast(Main.instance);
> > > >                 toast.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL, 0, 0);
> > > >                 toast.setView(toastView);
> > > >                 toast.setDuration(Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
> > > > //              Log.d("tag", "constructor gamescreen 2");
> > > >         }
> > > > All the bitmaps are loaded during the gamescreen inflation when the
> > > > surfaceview is created (Playfield constructor).
> > > > My main concern is:
> > > > Why if I'switch between this two views (Gamescreen and Gallery) 30
> > > > times, I have always the same amount of bitmap memory, and if I do it
> > > > 2 times after pause->resume->pause->resume my memory consumption grows
> > > > (driving me to a crash)?
> > > > On Feb 25, 6:03 pm, Streets Of Boston <> wrote:
> > > > > It could be anything. You have to post some code-samples that you
> > > > > think code be suspicious.
> > > > > Check your (static) caches, if you have them.
> > > > > On Feb 25, 6:49 am, REvolver <> wrote:
> > > > > > None?- Hide quoted text -
> > > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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