Your English is fine, it's your HTML that has problems!  (English is

Well, first, you should use all lower-case in your HTML these days.
Certainly, not mixed case!

Second -- you just fed it text, with the '<' and '>' properly encoded
as text. So it did just what you asked it to.

If you want HTML tags to be processed, you have to supply them as HTML
tags. That means no &lt; and no &gt;

        String s = new String("<img src='
images/icon.gif' alt='logo'>");

Perhaps you got this from some site which did this trying to get it to
display correctly, but it wasn't needed...?

On Mar 21, 11:28 am, alejandro <> wrote:
> Hi!
> I want to render one UTF-8 encoded string what is provided by a rss
> feed like that:
>  WebView webview = new WebView(this);
>         setContentView(webview);
>         String s = new String("&lt;IMG Src='
> html/images/icon.gif' alt='logo'&gt;");
>         webview.loadData(s, mimeType, encoding);
> it shows at the emulator
>        <IMG Src=''
> alt='logo'>
> like plain text , but it isn't rendered ....
> What I'm doing bad?
> thanks in advance , and sorry if my english is not correctly.

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