Interesting. I checked my user crash logs, and I find occasional
startPreview related crashes with Android 1.6, 2.0 and 2.01, and four
for 2.1-update1, but not a single one for 2.1, making me wonder if the
update1 for 2.1 introduces a new problem.


The vOICe for Android

On Apr 21, 10:32 pm, Bob Kerns <> wrote:
> The camera preview API demo crashes on my N1 (2.1-Update 1) as well.
> I've been meaning to investigate (debugger, bugs database) but haven't
> gotten around to it yet.
> On Apr 21, 2:18 am, Jo Vermeulen <> wrote:
> > Yeah, I also noticed that. No idea what the lines about a 'camera
> > switch' are about ...
> > I also tried the API demos (one of the samples that came with the
> > Android SDK), and found to my surprise that Google's own camera
> > preview example also crashed on the HTC Desire. Hope it's not a bug in
> > the Desire's firmware ... The camera and camcorder apps that came with
> > the device work perfectly though.
> > It would be great if other people with a HTC Desire could try the
> > Camera Preview API demo to verify that they experience the same
> > problem.
> > Cheers,
> > -- Jo
> > On 20 apr, 23:45, Streets Of Boston <> wrote:
> > > mmmmmm that looks strange.
> > > From the stack-trace it (almost) looks like you're trying to access a
> > > 2ndcameraon the device. I have no idea of how that could happen or
> > > why it would even try to do so.
> > > But, then again, i could be completely wrong and of no help to you at
> > > all.. :)
> > > ============
> > > W/CameraSwitch( 3801): open maincamera
> > > W/CameraSwitch( 3801): no file - can't switchcamera
> > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801): setSwitchFile failed: /sys/android_camera2/
> > > htcwc
> > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801): /sys/
> > > android_camera2/htcwc
> > > ============
> > > On Apr 20, 10:32 am, Jo Vermeulen <> wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > I have a problem with a simple application that captures images from
> > > > thecamera. It works on the emulator, but throws an exception when I
> > > > run it on the HTC Desire.
> > > > Here are the relevant log messages:
> > > > W/CameraSwitch( 3801): open maincamera
> > > > W/CameraSwitch( 3801): no file - can't switchcamera
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801): setSwitchFile failed: /sys/android_camera2/
> > > > htcwc
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801): /sys/
> > > > android_camera2/htcwc
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > ><init>(
> > > > :97)
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at<init>(
> > > > 58)
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > > android.hardware.CameraSwitch.setSwitchFile(CameraSwi
> > > >
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > > android.hardware.CameraSwitch.openMainCamera(CameraSw
> > > >
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > > 90)
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > > be.uhasselt.edm.research.sherlock.CameraPreview.surfa
> > > > ceCreated(
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > > android.view.SurfaceView.updateWindow(SurfaceView.jav
> > > > a:454)
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > > android.view.SurfaceView.dispatchDraw(SurfaceView.jav
> > > > a:287)
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > > android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > > android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(
> > > > 12)
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at android.view.View.draw(
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > > android.widget.FrameLayout.draw(
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > > android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > > android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(
> > > > 12)
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at android.view.View.draw(
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > > android.widget.FrameLayout.draw(
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > > $DecorVie
> > > > w.draw(
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at android.view.ViewRoot.draw(
> > > > 1364)
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > > android.view.ViewRoot.performTraversals(
> > > > :1118)
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > > android.view.ViewRoot.handleMessage(
> > > > 0)
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > > android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at android.os.Looper.loop(
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > >
> > > > 595)
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > > java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
> > > > 521)
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > > $MethodAndArgsCalle
> > > >
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at
> > > >
> > > > va:618)
> > > > E/CameraSwitch( 3801):  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native
> > > > Method)
> > > > D/CameraService(   57): CameraService::connect E (pid 3801, client
> > > > 0x267f0)
> > > > D/CameraService(   57): Client::Client E (pid 3801)
> > > > V/QualcommCameraHardware(   57): openCameraHardware: call
> > > > createInstance
> > > > D/QualcommCameraHardware(   57): createInstance: E
> > > > V/QualcommCameraHardware(   57): constructor EX
> > > > V/QualcommCameraHardware(   57): startCamera E
> > > > V/QualcommCameraHardware(   57): loading liboemcamera at 0xb00140d0
> > > > I/QualcommCameraHardware(   57): Set main cam and main cam only
> > > > I/mm-camera-mmap(   57): set sensor selection :0
> > > > I/QualcommCameraHardware(   57): Open Device node : /dev/msm_camera/
> > > > control0
> > > > I/mm-camera-config(   57): cam_conf fd cfgctrl.camfd:0
> > > > I/mm-camera-config(   57): Open config device node : /dev/msm_camera/
> > > > config0
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration]:ctrlfd:26
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] cfg.fuse_id_word1:0x0
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] cfg.fuse_id_word2:0x0
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] cfg.fuse_id_word3:0x45002
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] cfg.fuse_id_word4:0x22e645
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] rg_ratio_GS_table[0]:0.733340
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] rg_ratio_GS_table[1]:0.733340
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] rg_ratio_GS_table[2]:0.754883
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] bg_ratio_GS_table[0]:0.601600
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] bg_ratio_GS_table[1]:0.601600
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] bg_ratio_GS_table[2]:0.598633
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] sfuse.fuse_id_word1:0x0
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] sfuse.fuse_id_word2:0x0
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] sfuse.fuse_id_word3:0x45002
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] sfuse.fuse_id_word4:0x22e645
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] fuse_id : 0x0, 0x0, 0x45002,
> > > > 0x22e645
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] fail to read /data/awb_cal
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] read from file OK: /sys/
> > > > android_camera_awb_
> > > > cal/awb_ca
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] read all c1b ,ok=1
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] read all 323 ,ok=1
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] read all 230 ,ok=1
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] read all 0 ,ok=1
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] read all 0 ,ok=1
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] read all 45002 ,ok=1
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] read all 22e645 ,ok=1
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] read all b538fe81 ,ok=1
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] check sum=b538fe81, OK
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] caBuff[0]:0x00000c1b
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] caBuff[1]:0x00000323
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] caBuff[2]:0x00000230
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] caBuff[3]:0x00000000
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] caBuff[4]:0x00000000
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] caBuff[5]:0x00045002
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] caBuff[6]:0x0022e645
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] caBuff[7]:0xb538fe81
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] fuse_id_word1:0x00000000
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] fuse_id_word2:0x00000000
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] fuse_id_word3:0x00045002
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] fuse_id_word4:0x0022e645
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] caBuff[0]:3099
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] valid bit and fuseID pass, use
> > > > new white po
> > > > ints
> > > > I/        (   57): [AWB Calibration] use light version: v3
> > > > I/mm-camera-aec(   57): Touch AEC  == numRegions:256
> > > > I/mm-camera-aec(   57): Touch AEC aecCtrl->aec_state.aec_algo:1
> > > > I/QualcommCameraHardware(   57): startCamera: camsensor name s5k3e2fx,
> > > > flash 1
> > > > V/QualcommCameraHardware(   57): startCamera X
> > > > V/QualcommCameraHardware(   57): initDefaultParameters E
> > > > V/QualcommCameraHardware(   57): setParameters: E params = 0x4af24
> > > > V/QualcommCameraHardware(   57): requested preview size 720 x 480
> > > > V/QualcommCameraHardware(   57): requested picture size 1024 x 768
> > > > V/QualcommCameraHardware(   57): native_set_parm: fd 12, type 21,
> > > > length 4
> > > > V/QualcommCameraHardware(   57): native_set_parm: fd 12, type 15,
> > > > length 4
> > > > V/QualcommCameraHardware(   57): native_set_parm: fd 12, type 14,
> > > > length 4
> ...
> read more »

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