
I am receiving finalizing closable issues.
the snippet from the logcat as follows:

I/dalvikvm(  585): Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;: Finalizing
cursor android.database.sqlite.sqlitecur...@437c0e60 on null that has
not been deactivated or closed

I/dalvikvm(  585):      at

I/dalvikvm(  585):      at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)

I/dalvikvm(  585): Uncaught exception thrown by finalizer (will be
Here I do understand the problem is related to cursor that may not
have handled with in the code.
here pid 585 basically the main process ID. But I do I narrow down to
the code that particular cursor need to take care form this error in

Please note I am using many cursors as I retrieving records from the
DB. And I have already taken care of all the cursor. But these error
forcing me to look that some cursor is overlooked.

Could anybody throw some light that would help me to track down the
particular cursor that are causing these trouble.

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