Inspired by a post by CJ a few months ago, and because I ran into the
same problem, I did a little (OK, a LOT) of poring through endless
screens of code, and finally made some headway on how MMS messages are
stored.  Although the documentation blatantly omits this (read:
unsupported, may change in the future, don't rely on it, danger Will
Robinson) the list of supported URIs for accessing the parts of MMSes
is pasted below directly from the file.  Each of
these is preceded by "content://mms/", and the # sign means that you
put in a number (ID) to select a specific record.  I hope others will
find this to be the breakthrough that I found it to be!

Example: To find a certain MMS record whose ID is 326 in the Inbox,
use the URI "content://mms/inbox/326"
To return all addresses related to message ID 326, use "content://mms/

sURLMatcher.addURI("mms", null,         MMS_ALL);
sURLMatcher.addURI("mms", "#",          MMS_ALL_ID);
sURLMatcher.addURI("mms", "inbox",      MMS_INBOX);
sURLMatcher.addURI("mms", "inbox/#",    MMS_INBOX_ID);
sURLMatcher.addURI("mms", "sent",       MMS_SENT);
sURLMatcher.addURI("mms", "sent/#",     MMS_SENT_ID);
sURLMatcher.addURI("mms", "drafts",     MMS_DRAFTS);
sURLMatcher.addURI("mms", "drafts/#",   MMS_DRAFTS_ID);
sURLMatcher.addURI("mms", "outbox",     MMS_OUTBOX);
sURLMatcher.addURI("mms", "outbox/#",   MMS_OUTBOX_ID);
sURLMatcher.addURI("mms", "part",       MMS_ALL_PART);
sURLMatcher.addURI("mms", "#/part",     MMS_MSG_PART);
sURLMatcher.addURI("mms", "part/#",     MMS_PART_ID);
sURLMatcher.addURI("mms", "#/addr",     MMS_MSG_ADDR);
sURLMatcher.addURI("mms", "rate",       MMS_SENDING_RATE);
sURLMatcher.addURI("mms", "report-status/#",  MMS_REPORT_STATUS);
sURLMatcher.addURI("mms", "report-request/#", MMS_REPORT_REQUEST);
sURLMatcher.addURI("mms", "drm",        MMS_DRM_STORAGE);
sURLMatcher.addURI("mms", "drm/#",      MMS_DRM_STORAGE_ID);

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