The Droid is a weird one...

14 мая, 2010 8:14 PM пользователь "Paul Gee" <>

Thanks Wayne,

In fact I did exactly as you suggest as despite ALL my testing and beta
testing with a group of volunteers on various devices, I found that when I
released PuzzleQube I very quickly got crash reports from my program showing
a problem on the Droid (only the Droid and not on the Nexus One, Hero, G1,
Pulse, Dream etc. etc.). I immediately pulled the app and worked to find
Droid users who could help me debug the problem.(Many thanks again to the
helpfulness of people on this group.)

I managed to fix the issue very quickly and published again and since then
all is going well.

Now the problem is just to get it noticed among all the other apps in the
Android Market - any best practices on that topic?

Cheers, Paul

On 13 May 2010 19:28, Wayne Wenthin <> wrote: > > A word of
advice. > Keep a clos...

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