
Yes, obviously it's possible - Android's built-it UI for connection management does it somehow :)

In my program, I do it like this:

Kostya Vasilev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget -

18.05.2010 12:25, Donal Rafferty пишет:
Thanks Kostya, I think I'm nearly there.

My current problem is adding a new configured access point.

I have it hard coded in my code as follows:


        WifiConfiguration wc = new WifiConfiguration();
        wc.SSID = '"'+scanResult.SSID+'"';
        wc.status = WifiConfiguration.Status.ENABLED;
wc.allowedAuthAlgorithms.set(WifiConfiguration.AuthAlgorithm.OPEN); wc.allowedAuthAlgorithms.set(WifiConfiguration.AuthAlgorithm.SHARED);
wc.allowedPairwiseCiphers.set(WifiConfiguration.PairwiseCipher.TKIP); wc.allowedPairwiseCiphers.set(WifiConfiguration.PairwiseCipher.CCMP);
        int res = mainWifi.addNetwork(wc);
        Log.d("WifiPreference", "add Network returned " + res );
        boolean b = mainWifi.enableNetwork(res, true);
        Log.d("WifiPreference", "enableNetwork returned " + b );


But is there a way I can get the information needed from a Scan Result to add a new Wifi configuration? Things like PairwiseCiphers, Protocols, AuthAlgorithms, KeyManagement I cant see a method to retrieve that info from a Scan result.

Is it possible?

2010/5/14 Kostya Vasilyev < <>>


    Yes, your algorithm is correct. Only add network from the scan
    list to the known list if not already there.

    As for scanning on the move, take a look at wake locks.

    14 мая, 2010 5:35 PM пользователь "Donal Rafferty"
    < <>> написал:

    Thanks again Kostya,

    I have downloaded your app and had a look, its very nice, the
    widget will come in very handy for my testing!

    I was aware of the "known" versus as is quotes.

    My problem is for my app to work I need it to scan for AP's when
    the device is on the move.

    So it should scan, find a new AP that has the highest RSSI in the
    area and connect to that.

    The problem is I can only connect to a "known" or already
    configured AP and not one resulting from a scan.

    So would I be correct in saying that I need to do the following?

    Get the highest RSSI
    Compare the SSID of this AP to the Wifi Config list
    If its in the Wifi config list then connect
    If its not then add a new access point (As a configured AP)
    Get the id of the newly added AP and connect

    On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 1:47 PM, Kostya Vasilyev
    < <>> wrote: > >
    Donal, > > I think...

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