Hi All,

I eventually solved this. What I was missing was the mapping on the
envelope. I had seen this in examples but mistakingly assumed that
this was for handling the response and that it wouldn't effect the
request. The below line of code solved my problem and now all is well.

envelope.addMapping(request.getNamespace(), "MyRequestClass",

No doubt I'll have move questions as soon as I have more time to work
on the app.


On Jun 8, 11:15 am, Ed <edscha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I believe I'm having the same problem as Rahul.
> Basically I have a .Net webservice that I am trying to call. The
> request contains a complex data type which I have been able to
> replicate and use with KSoap2. Using a proxy I can see the request is
> almost the same as a working call from a flash UI. The difference
> between the working flash call and the failing KSoap2 call is the
> <request> tag from KSoap is <request i:type="d:anyType"> and .Net is
> refusing to parse this.
> Please note that I cannot change the webservice in anyway. The
> solution to this problem has to be via a change to the Android app.
> Cheers,
> Ed
> On Jun 1, 10:25 pm, rrohilla <rohill...@gmail.com> wrote:> Hi,
> > I am calling a web service which has the following request format.
> > <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/
> > envelope/" xmlns:ns="http://test.com/2009/08"; xmlns:dat="http://
> > test.com/2009/08/DataContracts">
> >    <soapenv:Header/>
> >    <soapenv:Body>
> >       <ns:ProcessData>
> >          <ns:data>
> >             <dat:InFields>
> >                <dat:ExServiceDataField>
> >                   <dat:FieldData>Sample Field Data</ns:FieldData>
> >                   <dat:ServiceField>
> >                   <dat:ServiceField>
> >                      <dat:Displayname>Books</ns:Displayname>
> >                      <dat:FieldType>Both</ns:FieldType>
> >                      <dat:GroupType>MyInfo</ns:GroupType>
> >                      <dat:Id>2</ns:Id>
> >                      <dat:Required>true</ns:Required>
> >                   </dat:ServiceField>
> >                </dat:ExServiceDataField>
> >                <dat:ExServiceDataField>
> >                   <dat:FieldData>Sample Field Data</ns:FieldData>
> >                   <dat:ServiceField>
> >                   <dat:ServiceField>
> >                      <dat:Displayname>Clothes</ns:Displayname>
> >                      <dat:FieldType>Both</ns:FieldType>
> >                      <dat:GroupType>MyInfo</ns:GroupType>
> >                      <dat:Id>2</ns:Id>
> >                      <dat:Required>true</ns:Required>
> >                   </dat:ServiceField>
> >                </dat:ExServiceDataField>
> >             </dat:InFields>
> >          </ns:data>
> >       </ns:ProcessData>
> >    </soapenv:Body>
> > </soapenv:Envelope>
> > Now when I call the web service I get the following error
> > SoapFault - faultcode: 'a:DeserializationFailed' faultstring: 'The
> > formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message:
> > There was an error while trying to deserialize 
> > parameterhttp://test.com/2009/08:data. The InnerException message was 
> > 'Error in
> > line 1 position 463. Element 'http://test.com/2009/08/
> > DataContracts:InFields' contains data of the 'http://test.com/2009/08/
> > DataContracts:anyType' data contract. The deserializer has no
> > knowledge of any type that maps to this contract. Add the type
> > corresponding to 'anyType' to the list of known types - for example,
> > by using the KnownTypeAttribute attributre or by adding it to the list
> > of known types passed to DataContractSerializer.'.  Please see
> > InnerException for more details.' faultactor: 'null' detail:
> > org.kxml2.kdom.n...@43bcb040
> > The Request sent is has  i:type="n0:anytype" in each tag which is
> > creating an error in server side. How do T remove the attribute from
> > the XML tag of the request XML for example
> > <n0:ExServiceDataField i:type="n0:anyType"> should be as
> > <n0:ExServiceDataField>
> > Thanks,
> > Rahul

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