Any chance you declared something like this in your manifest?

<supports-screens android:largeScreens = "false" />

the described outcome of such a setting is something like what you
describe, with your app displayed as a postage stamp with black
borders on sides and bottom (but not top?)

On Jun 13, 1:43 am, "" <>
> I create a avd using android avd manager. The detail in config.ini  as
> fellow:
> hw.lcd.density=160
> skin.path=platforms\android-4\skins\WVGA800
> vm.heapSize=16
> sdcard.path=C:\Documents and Settings\xuwan\.android\avd\1.6.avd
> \sdcard.img
> image.sysdir.1=platforms\android-4\images\
> But I found that my app can't run in full screen mode, it just occupy
> a small area which looks as 480*320.

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