On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 7:23 PM, Jey Michael <jey.mich...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ie, Source compatibility is guaranteed, which makes sense, I think.
> Ideally, the Android-market app should not be referring to
> com.android.internal.R (except if it has used that specific old SDK,
> or hacked itself through)  Is there a validation for market place
> apps, so such impure apps would be filtered out, or carry some sort of
> warning?

Generally if you build against the SDK, you are safe.  If you don't, you are
likely to break, and little effort will be made to avoid that when the
platform is updated.

> For the first case, OEMs add private resources to the framework and
> build apps meant to be run only on their device.  However, those other
> impure android-market place apps, at runtime, when installed on their
> device, would fail without any meaningful messages?

They would not work, in all kinds of ways from showing wrong images to
crashing.  Going forward, we should have enough variety of devices running
different platform versions that these applications just won't be viable on
the market.

> I guess, it comes down to:
> Is there some sort of validation for marketplace apps?

No, we give the app developers tools to avoid these kinds of issues, but if
they deliberately bypass them than they and their users will need to deal
with them as appropriate.

> Does adding private resources demand new versioning mechanism to be
> enforced?

I sure hope not. :)

Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on public
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