It's actually not as useful as you might think, because turning on all of
the possibly interesting logs causes so much work to happen (even though the
final string won't be shown by logcat) that the system ends up being not
that usable.  We actually started down this path, which is where the
Config.LOGV constant comes from, but bailed that ever being true when it
became clear it didn't work well.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 12:34 AM, 袁嵩 Yuan Song <> wrote:

> > There's a big difference between having verbose logging included but
> > disabled, and having it excluded.  The LOG_NDEBUG and Config.LOGV (or
> > local "verbose log enable") defines cause the messages to not be
> > compiled in at all, which makes the code faster and smaller.
> >
> > This is particularly important in Java, where something like Log.v
> > (TAG, "The cow says " + moo) causes a bunch of allocations and
> > StringBuilder activity even if the Log.v call eventually does nothing.
> Yes I totally agree. But for develop and debug purpose, it can be
> worthy of having all verbose messages compiled (although it must be
> decreasing the performance significantly), and selectively view
> verbose log from specific modules by "adb logcat [MODULES_LIST]".
> One annoying thing I found out during debugging is I have to manually
> make verbose messages compiled for each single source file. As I trace
> the bug, I need to re-compile all the time. Anyway, this may not be
> necessarily a bad thing, as it can force me to be more cautious to
> analyze and choose the right source files to be compiled with verbose
> messages.
> Thanks for the info about the StringBuilder activity. I haven't
> thought of that.
> >

Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
answer them.

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