Hi, all
I have 2 suggestions for android's framework.
1. Add a new attribute about rotation in Surface class, user can control
each surface's rotation according to it.
   I suggest google add a new attribute NO_ROTATION in
frameworks/base/core/java/android/view/Surface.java,  then check it in
LayerBase.cpp::validateVisibility(...) function to decide if re-calculate
the orientation and position for this layer(surface). So it will provide a
capability for user to control each surface's rotation.
  For example:
   Camera application's controller surface need rotate according to the
phone status(landscape or portrait), but its viewfinder surface needn't
   In current android platform, we can correct it in
LayerBuffer::OverlaySource::onVisibilityResolved(), but it will prevent all
surfaces that use overlay to rotate, it isn't good method.

2. Add new interface function to set camera's parameters in MediaRecorder
   MediaRecorder class hasn't interface function to set the camera's
parameters. For setting camera's parameters, we need use Camera class to
show preview screen and camera controller. When press capture key to record
the video, we need use MediaRecorder class, there are two method to do it:
 a. call Camera.release(), then call MediaRecorder class to record the
video. The method will cause black screen when press the start key, it can't
be accpected.
 b, MediaRecorder call setCamera(xxx), then record video. The method will
call CameraService::Client::startPreview(), and it will return by the
following sentence:
    // do nothing if preview is already started
    if (mHardware->previewEnabled()) return NO_ERROR;
   If call stopPreview here, it will cause black screen.
   In addition, we set callback function NULL when use camera to preview, if
we want to set new callback when press capture key, we need stopPreview
again, it also causes black screen.

        if ( mFrameCallbackFlag == FRAME_CALLBACK_FLAG_NOOP )
            ret = mHardware->startPreview(NULL, mCameraService.get());
            ret = mHardware->startPreview(previewCallback,

  So if add interface function in MediaRecorder class, we will fix all

  These are my suggestion, please give me your comments, thanks in advance.

Best regards

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