You need to call Camera.unlock() from the application before you call
MediaRecorder.setCamera(). When you are done recording, after you call
MediaRecorder.release(), call Camera.lock().

On May 4, 1:30 am, ever <> wrote:
> Hi,
> My MediaRecorder tried to use the camera object opened by Camera app
> through setCamera function, however, it got the following warming
> message and the program halted.
> W/CameraService(  966): Tried to connect to locked camera
> It seems that connect function always halts my program since camera
> serveice client had been connected to a process(camera ap process),
> anyone konws how to fix this issue?
> status_t CameraService::Client::connect(const sp<ICameraClient>&
> client)
> {
>     // connect a new process to the camera
>     LOGV("connect (%p)", client->asBinder().get());
>     // I hate this hack, but things get really ugly when the media
> recorder
>     // service is handing back the camera to the app. The
> ICameraClient
>     // destructor will be called during the same IPC, making it look
> like
>     // the remote client is trying to disconnect. This hack
> temporarily
>     // sets the mClientPid to an invalid pid to prevent the hardware
> from
>     //  being torn down.
>     {
>         // hold a reference to the old client or we will deadlock if
> the client is
>         // in the same process and we hold the lock when we remove the
> reference
>         sp<ICameraClient> oldClient;
>         {
>             Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
>             if (mClientPid != 0) {
>                 LOGW("Tried to connect to locked camera");
>                 return -EBUSY;
>             }
>             oldClient = mCameraClient;
>             // did the client actually change?
>             if (client->asBinder() == mCameraClient->asBinder())
> return NO_ERROR;
>             mCameraClient = client;
>             mClientPid = -1;
>             mPreviewCallbackFlag = FRAME_CALLBACK_FLAG_NOOP;
>             LOGV("connect new process (%d) to existing camera client",
> mClientPid);
>         }
>     }
>     // the old client destructor is called when oldClient goes out of
> scope
>     // now we set the new PID to lock the interface again
>     mClientPid = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingPid();
>     return NO_ERROR;
> }
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