
Before posting to this group I searched all android related groups for
information on this topic. I also posted  this question on the
developers group. I have received no response. My question(s) are
either stupid, obscure, or both given the lack of response I typically
get. In any event, here it goes (again).

I was wondering if anyone would explain to me why the code snippet
below does not work:


                        Log.i(TAG, "data from socket -

In my application, the code is surrounded by try/catch. It does not
generate an exception.

s is an instantiation of LocalSocket.

The code does not work because the attempt to read data from the
socket never completes, i.e. no data is ever returned from the socket
(via the Log.i statement).

I would appreciate it if anyone could help me understand if and where
I made a mistake.


Alex Donnini
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