       I am creating an android JNI library, that in turn uses a
native linux library to access a particular device.

Here is a snippet from the android jni project's Android.mk file,
where libdevice is the external library.

# All of the shared libraries we link against.
        libandroid_runtime \
        libnativehelper \
        libcutils \
        libutils \

Now I've already created libdevice library and built the libdevice.so
shared library using the OpenEmbedded build system and it is available
on my target.

But the moment, I say I want to link to libdevice, in my JNI project's
Android.mk file as shown above, it expects to find a libdevice android

Question 01: Is it really necessary to have an external android
project for it to work with android? Can I edit the jni project's
Android.mk so that it uses the pre-build shared library files and
headers locate under /usr/lib/ on the target device? i.e,  Is there a
workaround for this type of situation?

Question 02: Suppose I decide to go ahead and create an external
project, which I've already done and stored it under

What should I be adding to my Android.mk so that the following headers
of my device.cpp file can

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>

can be found?

At the moment I get the following errors:

external/libdevice/src/Device.h:24:18: error: string: No such file or
external/libdevice/src/Device.h:25:18: error: vector: No such file or
external/libdevice/src/Device.h:26:21: error: stdexcept: No such file
or directory

What should I do to make the external/device/Android.mk file pick up
string, vector and stdexcept?

Here is a copy of my Android.mk file for the libdevice external

#ifneq ($(TARGET_ARCH),arm)

LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)


LOCAL_SRC_FILES := src/device.cpp



LOCAL_MODULE:= libserial

LOCAL_COPY_HEADERS := src/device.h



Best regards,


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