I am trying to develop an appliacation with Android 1.5(cupcake_r1)
for a week
but always get an error reported in prepare of MediaRecorder.
Can anybody help me to figure out the problem I got in the code

PS. In order to figure out the problem, I suppressed the audio
recording, and
the SDcard is installed in the phone. Thanks for your help!

in \packages\apps\Camera\src\com\android\camera\VideoCamera.java

in method initializeVideo()
       mMediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder();
            Log.v(TAG, "DEBUG_SUPPRESS_AUDIO_RECORDING is true."); //
this will be done!
        } else {
        if (mStorageStatus != STORAGE_STATUS_OK) {
        } else {
            if (mCameraVideoFileDescriptor != null) {
            } else {

        boolean videoQualityHigh = getBooleanPreference

        if (intent.hasExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_VIDEO_QUALITY)) {
            int extraVideoQuality = intent.getIntExtra
            videoQualityHigh = (extraVideoQuality > 0);

        if (videoQualityHigh) {
        } else {

        long remaining = getAvailableStorage();

        try {
            mMediaRecorder.setMaxFileSize(remaining -
        } catch (RuntimeException exception) {

        try {
        } catch (IOException exception) {
            Log.e(TAG, "prepare failed for " + mCameraVideoFilename);
            return false;
        mMediaRecorderRecording = false;

        if (!mIsVideoCaptureIntent && !mThumbController.isUriValid())

        if (!mIsVideoCaptureIntent) {

        return true;

and the logcat shows below:

I/ActivityManager(   85): Starting activity: Intent
{ action=android.intent.action.MAIN categories=
{android.intent.category.LAUNCHER} flags=0x10200000 comp=
{com.android.camera/com.android.camera.VideoCamera} }
I/ActivityManager(   85): Start proc com.android.camera for activity
com.android.camera/.VideoCamera: pid=279 uid=10000 gids={1006, 2001,
D/dalvikvm(   85): GC freed 7528 objects / 374056 bytes in 680ms
I/WindowManager(   85): Setting rotation to 1, animFlags=0
I/WindowManager(   85): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=0/0
locale=en_US touch=3 key=2/1/2 nav=3 orien=2 }
I/ARMAssembler(   85): generated
scanline__00000077:03010104_00000004_00000000 [ 22 ipp] (41 ins) at
[0x21eb98:0x21ec3c] in 427246 ns
W/WindowManager(   85): performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLocked called
while in layout
W/WindowManager(   85): performLayoutAndPlaceSurfacesLocked called
while in layout
I/ARMAssembler(   85): generated
scanline__00000077:03545404_00000004_00000000 [ 47 ipp] (67 ins) at
[0x18c230:0x18c33c] in 610351 ns
D/StatusBar(   85): updateResources
D/LocationManager(  279): Constructor: service =
V/ImageManager(  279): storage state is mounted
V/ImageManager(  279): storage writable is true
V/videocamera(  279): initializeVideo
V/videocamera(  279): Releasing media recorder.
V/videocamera(  279): SurfaceHolder is null
I/VideoPreview(  279):  setting size: 320x240
I/VideoPreview(  279): ar 1.3333334 setting size: 320x240
V/videocamera(  279): stopVideoRecording
V/videocamera(  279): initializeVideo
V/videocamera(  279): Releasing media recorder.
V/MediaRecorder(  279): constructor
V/PVMediaRecorder(   55): constructor
V/AuthorDriver(   55): InitializeForThread
V/AuthorDriver(   55): OMX_Init
V/AuthorDriver(   55): Create author ...
V/MediaRecorder(  279): doCleanUp
V/MediaRecorder(  279): setListener
V/videocamera(  279): DEBUG_SUPPRESS_AUDIO_RECORDING is true.
V/MediaRecorder(  279): setVideoSource(1)
V/MediaRecorder(  279): Call init() since the media recorder is not
initialized yet
V/MediaRecorder(  279): init
V/PVMediaRecorder(   55): init
V/AuthorDriver(   55): Command (1) completed with status(1)
V/PVMediaRecorder(   55): setListener
V/PVMediaRecorder(   55): setVideoSource(1)
V/AuthorDriver(   55): create mio input video
V/AuthorDriver(   55): Command (3) completed with status(1)
V/MediaRecorder(  279): setOutputFormat(1)
V/PVMediaRecorder(   55): setOutputFormat(1)
V/AuthorDriver(   55): Command (5) completed with status(1)
V/MediaRecorder(  279): setParameters(max-duration=600000)
V/PVMediaRecorder(   55): setParameters(max-duration=600000)
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngine::NodeUtilCommandCompleted: Exit
V/videocamera(  279): Current camera video filename: /sdcard/DCIM/
V/MediaRecorder(  279): setVideoFrameRate(15)
V/PVMediaRecorder(   55): setVideoFrameRate(15)
V/MediaRecorder(  279): setVideoSize(320, 240)
V/PVMediaRecorder(   55): setVideoSize(320, 240)
V/MediaRecorder(  279): setVideoEncoder(1)
V/PVMediaRecorder(   55): setVideoEncoder(1)
V/AuthorDriver(   55): Command (6) completed with status(1)
V/ImageManager(  279): storage state is mounted
V/ImageManager(  279): storage writable is true
V/MediaRecorder(  279): setParameters(max-filesize=3882352640)
V/PVMediaRecorder(   55): setParameters(max-filesize=3882352640)
V/MediaRecorder(  279): setOutputFile(30, 0, 0)
V/PVMediaRecorder(   55): setOutputFile(10, 0, 0)
I/MediaRecorderJNI(  279): prepare: surface=0x1bb140 (id=1)
V/MediaRecorder(  279): setPreviewSurface(0x1bb140)
V/PVMediaRecorder(   55): setPreviewSurface(0xa8f8)
V/MediaRecorder(  279): prepare
V/PVMediaRecorder(   55): prepare
D/AuthorDriver(   55): handle Prepare: 13, comp: -1486358616, cookie:
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngine::Init: aContextData=0x1a600
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngine::Run: Enter
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngine::DoInit
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::Prepare:
&aNodes=0x18f40, aContext=0x0
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::AddCmdToQueue:
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::Prepare:
&aNodes=0x18f1c, aContext=0x0
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::AddCmdToQueue:
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::Prepare:
&aNodes=0x18ef8, aContext=0x0
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::AddCmdToQueue:
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngine::Run: Exit
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::Run: Enter
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::Run: cmd.iType=6
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::DoPrepare
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::Doprepare: aCmd.iNodes
[i] = 0
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::Run: Exit
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::NodeCommandCompleted
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::CompleteStateTransition
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::CompleteStateTransition:
node 0 (2) does not have the same state as the node util(3)
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::CompleteStateTransition:
Continue to wait
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::NodeCommandCompleted
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::CompleteStateTransition
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::CompleteStateTransition:
node 0 (2) does not have the same state as the node util(3)
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::CompleteStateTransition:
Continue to wait
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::NodeCommandCompleted
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::CompleteStateTransition
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::CompleteStateTransition:
node 0 (2) does not have the same state as the node util(3)
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::CompleteStateTransition:
Continue to wait
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngine::HandleNodeInformationalEvent
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngine::HandleNodeInformationalEvent sends
unknown eventType:24
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::NodeCommandCompleted
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::CompleteStateTransition
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::CompleteStateTransition:
return PVMFSuccess
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::CompleteUtilityCmd:
aCmd.iType=6,  aStatus=0x1
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngine::NodeUtilCommandCompleted
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngine::NodeUtilCommandCompleted cmdType:12
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::GetCommandQueueSize:
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngine::NodeUtilCommandCompleted: Exit
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::Run: Enter
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::Run: cmd.iType=6
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::DoPrepare
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::Doprepare: aCmd.iNodes
[i] = 0
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::Run: Exit
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::NodeCommandCompleted
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::NodeCommandCompleted:
Command failed - context=0x0, status=0xffffffef
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::CompleteUtilityCmd:
aCmd.iType=6,  aStatus=0xffffffef
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngine::NodeUtilCommandCompleted
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngine::NodeUtilCommandCompleted cmdType:12
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngine::SetPVAEState: aState=5
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::GetCommandQueueSize:
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::Run: Enter
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::Run: cmd.iType=6
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::DoPrepare
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::Doprepare: aCmd.iNodes
[i] = 0
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::Run: Exit
D/CameraService(   55): Connect E from ICameraClient 0x1bf14
D/CameraService(   55): Client E constructor
D/CameraHardware(   55): createInstance
D/CameraHardware(   55): CameraHardware
D/CameraHardware(   55): ceInit
E/MediaPlayer(   55): Unable to to create media player
E/CameraService(   55): Failed to load CameraService sounds.
E/MediaPlayer(   55): Unable to to create media player
E/CameraService(   55): Failed to load CameraService sounds.
D/CameraService(   55): Client X constructor
D/CameraService(   55): Connect X
D/CameraService(   55): setPreviewDisplay(0xa8f8)
D/CameraInput(   55): Intended mFrameWidth=320, mFrameHeight=240
D/CameraService(   55): getParameters
D/CameraHardware(   55): getParameters
D/CameraService(   55): setParameters(picture-format=yuv422sp;picture-
D/CameraHardware(   55): setParameters
D/CameraService(   55): getParameters
D/CameraHardware(   55): getParameters
D/CameraInput(   55): Actual mFrameWidth=320, mFrameHeight=240
D/CameraService(   55): startCameraMode(0)
V/CameraService(   55): startPreviewMode
D/CameraHardware(   55): getParameters
D/CameraHardware(   55): startPreview
D/CameraHardware(   55): ceSetParameters
D/CameraHardware(   55): CAM_PREVIEW
D/CameraHardware(   55): ceSetPreviewParameters
D/CameraHardware(   55): VIDIOC_S_FMT 320  240
D/CameraHardware(   55): VIDIOC_S_FMT sizeof(v4l2_format) 204
D/CameraHardware(   55): initHeapLocked: preview size=320x240
D/CameraHardware(   55): init_mmap enter!
D/CameraHardware(   55): buffers[0].start  = 0x4091a000
D/CameraHardware(   55): buffers[0].length  = 155648
D/CameraHardware(   55): buffers[1].start  = 0x40940000
D/CameraHardware(   55): buffers[1].length  = 155648
D/CameraHardware(   55): buffers[2].start  = 0x40966000
D/CameraHardware(   55): buffers[2].length  = 155648
D/CameraHardware(   55): buffers[3].start  = 0x4098c000
D/CameraHardware(   55): buffers[3].length  = 155648
D/CameraHardware(   55): init_mmap exit!
D/CameraHardware(   55): initHeapLocked   mCEHandle 000=:8
D/CameraHardware(   55): initHeapLocked   mCEHandle111  =:8
D/CameraHardware(   55): initHeapLocked   mCEHandle222  =:8
D/CameraHardware(   55): ceStartPreview
D/CameraHardware(   55): CAM_AUTOCAM_PREVIEW
D/CameraHardware(   55): vendor/marvell/marvell_310/libcamera/
CameraHardware.cpp startPreview 679
D/CameraHardware(   55): vendor/marvell/marvell_310/libcamera/
CameraHardware.cpp startPreview 681
D/CameraHardware(   55): getPreviewHeap
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngine::HandleNodeInformationalEvent
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngine::HandleNodeInformationalEvent sends
unknown eventType:24
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::NodeCommandCompleted
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::CompleteStateTransition
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::CompleteStateTransition:
return PVMFSuccess
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::CompleteUtilityCmd:
aCmd.iType=6,  aStatus=0x1
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngine::NodeUtilCommandCompleted
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngine::NodeUtilCommandCompleted cmdType:12
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngineNodeUtility::GetCommandQueueSize:
E/PVAE    (   55): PVAuthorEngine::CompleteEngineCommand:
aStatus=0xffffffff, aResponseData=0x0, aResponseDataSize=0
V/AuthorDriver(   55): Command (13) completed with status(-1)
E/MediaRecorder(  279): prepare failed: 80000000
E/videocamera(  279): prepare failed for /sdcard/DCIM/Camera/
V/videocamera(  279): Releasing media recorder.
V/videocamera(  279): Empty video file deleted: /sdcard/DCIM/Camera/
V/MediaRecorder(  279): reset
V/MediaRecorder(  279): doCleanUp

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