Thanks Diane, this is helpful and lets us cross a scenario off of our

Diane writes:
> ...
> There should be no ambiguities -- the symbols in the android jar you link
> your apps with (and corresponding the symbols in the SDK documentation) are
> the only ones that are public.
> ...

The source of our confusion is at
which states "Allows an application to modify the current
configuration, such as locale."  Now CHANGE_CONFIGURATION is a
permission that developer applications can effectively have.  For
example, the weather channel application seems to have the

So the API documentation suggests that the locale is one of the things
that can be changed if the developer uses the CHANGE_CONFIGURATION
permission and we see real applications out there that are installed
with this permission so we assume that the permission actually does
have a developer visible use.  So the documentation mentions as an
example of what can be done something that cannot actually be done
with that permission.  In fact, the API documentation is quite vague
what exactly CAN be done with this permission.

Diane writes:
> ...
> There are numerous permissions for things that
> applications can't do, so the APIs for them don't appear in the SDK.
> ...

Yes, we are definately noticing this.  It would be helpful for the
documentation to call out permissions that are reserved for use by the
system only and are not supported for consumption by application
developers.  For these, I would imagine that the system should enforce
not allowing user installation of applications that request those


On Jul 2, 1:59 pm, Dianne Hackborn <> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 6:31 AM, Zhao, Bingqi <> wrote:
> > Is there intended to be a public API that allows application developers to
> > create applications that set system locale?
> Not at this point.
> > We are trying to resolve ambiguities in the API specifications regarding
> > what APIs are intended to be visible to application developers.
> There should be no ambiguities -- the symbols in the android jar you link
> your apps with (and corresponding the symbols in the SDK documentation) are
> the only ones that are public.
> > So I am wondering that is there way to invoke an
> > IActivityManager.updateConfiguration() using public API of SDK? (I think
> > there is not  a  way  in the cupcake API ).
> No.
> > Does AOSP plan to have a public API that allows application developers to
> > set System Locale?   If no, what is the purpose of the comment regarding
> > (user.permission.write_setting) that says that it allows setting locale.
> No plans at this point.  There are numerous permissions for things that
> applications can't do, so the APIs for them don't appear in the SDK.
> --
> Dianne Hackborn
> Android framework engineer
> Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
> provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
> questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
> answer them.
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