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On Jul 20, 7:08 am, loisen0525 <> wrote:
> Dear all:
>         I use Meridian player to playback mp4 audio file within mp3
> code.
>         It works fine on cupcake version
>         But when I use the same player and test file on Donut branch
>         The file is failed to be played.
>         I traced the logs and found that the file parser was
> different.
>         In cupcake branch, the player uses mp3ffparser in
>         PVMFRecognizerRegistryImpl::DoRecognize function
>         But in donut branch, the player uses mp4ffparser.
>         Is this difference made by the change of PV media framework?
>         How can I solve this issue?
>         Thanks for your kindly help
> Loisen0525
> 2009.07.20
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