Here is a code snippet hoping that someone blessed with Android
Knowledge wud answer my query...

<PreferenceScreen xmlns:android="
android" >
        <PreferenceCategory android:title="@string/softwareUpdate">
                 <Preference android:key="continueUpdate"
                        android:dialogTitle="@string/continueUpdate" />

<PreferenceScreen xmlns:android="
android" >
        <PreferenceCategory android:title="@string/softwareUpdate">
                <Preference android:key="checkUpdate"
                        android:dialogTitle="@string/checkUpdate" />

Now in code,

if(ok) //Expected Output: To replace checkPreference with
continuePreference screen.
addPrefrencesFromResource(R.xml.continuepreference); //Actual Output:
Results in Screen break i.e., appending with previous screen. :(

Whereas if Preference Screen is loaded through code then,
if(ok) //Expected Output: To replace checkPreference with
continuePreference screen.
setPreferenceScreen(mPS2); //Actual Output: Same as Expected Output :)

Please do let me know how do I replace the preference screen through

On Jul 14, 10:43 pm, Ravi <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to display another PreferenceScreen through xml which occupies
> the full screen.
> Calling addPrefrencesFromResource(id)  with different id results in
> Screen Break handled by Preference Framework.
> setPreferenceScreen(mPS) could be called again & it works fine but it
> is through code...How do I do it through XML?
> Neither inflateFromResource() not PreferenceInflater is available so,
> I can't use setPreferenceScreen for XML?
> Plz do clarify.
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