> Wouldn't the correct way of doing this be :
> - grant filesystem rights to user system
> - have a "service" running as system (system apps / library ? I do not
> know how it works...) which will access these resources, and publish
> via its API the wanted functions. But it will also check Android
> security rights. (ie to access USB, define something like
> - So Android applications cannot access directly the resource, but
> must use this library, and will need the correct android permission.

I agree, a more secure 'the Android way' would be better. What programs like
udev do is that they change ownership of these devices to a user, e.g. the
current owner of the console. What I guess could be done would be to have a
system service that, asked with the right permissions, could equally change
the ownership of the files on Android to the user id  of the requesting app.
So all that would have to change in existing applications would be to insert
this handshake with this service, while all all traffic goes as before (so
no need to build a service that has any knowledge of the data transfer going

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