I am doing some work for a major telecomm manufacturer.

We have come to the conclusion that to properly exercise the device
and software implementation, we need access to privileged Android
classes such as:



Currently, it is not possible to invoke functions on these classes
because they are package-private in the Android "OS".  However, it
would not be that difficult to alter these classes so that they are
publicly visibile, to whit:

old Call.java:

package com.android.internal.telephony;

class Call
        void hangup() { ...}

new Call.java

package com.android.internal.telephony;

public class Call
        public void hangup() { ...}

Has anyone embarked on such a program?  (When I attempted to run the
0.9 android.jar in the emulator, my operation was failed and a message
came up indicating that it knew I was trying to invoke my own build ..
and warned that further problems lay ahead.  I don't expect
necessarily that this custom build would be usable inside the
emulator; test applications using it would have to be tested directly
on the phone.)

The problem is that the public API is just not rich enough to allow
comprehensive testing.

Thanks for your thoughts.

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