You would need to do more than change the code in commandline.c.  That
file is only included in the PC side of adb.  You would need to write
more code to implement the functionality on the device side.

I don't see any benefit at all in modifying adb for this.  Just write
a tool on the device called "call", and then run it using "adb shell
call 123"


2009/5/19 Edware <>:
> I am sorry that I type a wrong word. I want to develop a debug tools
> in "PC" to debug the Android phone. Maybe when I type "adb call 123",
> Android can make a call to 123. What can I do if I want to implement
> it? Can I add a case "call" in adb_commandline() this function and
> implement its action? And would it have many side effect? Thanks for
> your help.
> On 5月19日, 下午9時47分, Mike Lockwood <> wrote:
>> In most cases you should be able toaddanewcommandas a commandline
>> tool on the device side and use "adbshell <command>" to execute it.
>> Addingnewadbcommands should only be done if you really need toadd
>> functionality toadbitself.
>> What are you trying to do?
>> Mike
>> On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 9:01 AM, Edware <> wrote:
>> > I found a function "int adb_commandline(int argc, char **argv)" in
>> > android\system\core\adb\Commandline.c. Could Iaddanewcommandin
>> > it? Or will it have side effect?
>> > On 5月19日, 下午8時39分, Edware <> wrote:
>> >> Because I want to develop Android debug tools in Android, I want to
>> >> viaadbinterface. How can Iaddanewadbcommand? Thanks for your
>> >> help.
>> --
>> Mike Lockwood
>> Google android team
> >

Mike Lockwood
Google android team


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