On 13 February 2010 16:04, Chris Stratton <cs07...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Would it be possible to make a running kernel for an msm7201 phone
> chain load and startup a test kernel?  This would be fairly useless on
> a phone that can fastboot, but a number of otherwise rooted phones
> cant do that, making flash & crash the only current testing option.  I
> started looking through the reboot code, and it seems like
> coordination with the baseband might be a major challenge.
> Alternatively, what about adding a grub-like menu very early in the
> kernel startup process, to permit choosing an alternate kernel?  Is it
> possible to display something before the system is irrevocably
> started? Or even not display, but simply read keystate to see what is
> held down?
> I'm not asking someone to do these, more soliciting ideas of
> difficulties I might run into trying to do them.

I suppose there's the linux "kexec" feature which claims to allow rebooting
into a new kernel from an existing running kernel without needing a
bootloader... I'm guessing the option's probably still in the android
source, but disabled; no idea how will it'll work though. Combine that with
an initramfs to do the menu maybe?

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