Hi Steve,

Thanks for your input. I tried the CROSS_COMPILE flag for config as well,
but am still facing the same problem. Also :

1. I have checked that it's not because of the way I am recreating boot.img
using the new zImage (tried it with split_bootimg.pl as well).

2. A few posts online mentioned that extracting boot.img from your phone
using cat /dev/mtd2 > /sdcard/boot.img, might give you a corrupted image, so
tried with the one from the gb source code. Didn't work either.

3. My compiled zImage is comparable in size to the image I obtained from my
phone. (~2.7 MB)

4. I have also tried wiping the dalvik cache (some blog somewhere mentioned
it), but I am still seeing the boot loop of the error I posted above.

Any other ideas ?

On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 2:37 AM, Ian <homin....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi KB, Steve,
> I have exactly the same problem and as you can see from my post
> (http://groups.google.com/group/android-kernel/browse_thread/thread/
> 6719c09c108b977a) I used the CROSS_COMPILE stuff when I built. Steve,
> have you done this successfully? What exactly did you do?
> Thanks,
> Ian.
> On Mar 28, 9:55 pm, Steve Modica <mod...@small-tree.com> wrote:
> > You have to have that cross compile flag on there for the config stuff
> too.  that got me.
> >
> > On Mar 28, 2011, at 3:37 PM, k b wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Hi everyone,
> >
> > > Has anyone tried compiling and flashing the Nexus S kernel ? I gave it
> a shot, but am stuck when I try and test my new boot image. With 'fastboot
> boot newboot.img', it hangs at a screen showing the google logo, an unlocked
> padlock and a message (FASTBOOT STATUS - okay).
> >
> > > The steps I followed are :
> > > git clone git://android.git.kernel.org/kernel/samsung.git
> >
> > > export PATH=$PATH:/home/<your
> username>/mydroid/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/
> > > make ARCH=arm clean
> > > make ARCH=arm herring_defconfig
> > > make -j4 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi-
> >
> > > To create new boot image
> > > ./unpack-bootimg.pl boot.img
> > > cd boot.img-ramdisk/
> > > find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip > /home/<your
> username>/NS-bootwork/boot.img-ramdisk/ramdisk-repack.cpio.gz
> > > ./mkbootimg --kernel zImage --ramdisk /home/<your
> username>/NS-bootwork/boot.img-ramdisk/ramdisk-repack.cpio.gz --base
> 0x30000000 --pagesize 4096 -o newtestboot.img
> >
> > > While booting, logcat keeps throwing out the following error.
> >
> > > E/FramebufferNativeWindow(  108): couldn't open framebuffer HAL (No
> such device)
> >
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
> *** *** *
> > > **
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73): Build fingerprint: 'unknown'
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73): pid: 108, tid: 116  >>> system_server <<<
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault
> addr 0000005
> > > c
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  r0 0000d204  r1 447c5dc4  r2 00000001  r3 00000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  r4 00212518  r5 002125f8  r6 fffffec0  r7 00000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  r8 8362c738  r9 001143a0  10 00100000  fp 00000001
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  ip 8362c794  sp 447c5d60  lr 80104a10  pc 83619a70
>  cpsr 600
> > > 00030
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  d0  0000000000000000  d1  62656d6172662065
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  d2  6461657268742076  d3  7420796461657269
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  d4  49202e6e7572206f  d5  7a696c616974696e
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  d6  7061726720676e69  d7  0000000073636968
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  d8  000000021093d43a  d9  0000000000000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  d10 0000000000000000  d11 0000000000000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  d12 0000000000000000  d13 0000000000000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  d14 0000000000000000  d15 0000000000000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  d16 8330b6f44050e2b0  d17 3fe999999999999a
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  d18 42eccefa43de3400  d19 3fbc71c71c71c71c
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  d20 4008000000000000  d21 3fd99a27ad32ddf5
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  d22 3fd24998d6307188  d23 3fcc7288e957b53b
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  d24 3fc74721cad6b0ed  d25 3fc39a09d078c69f
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  d26 0000000000000000  d27 0000000000000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  d28 0000000000000000  d29 0000000000000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  d30 0000000000000000  d31 0000000000000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):  scr 20000012
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):          #00  pc 00019a70
>  /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):          #01  pc 00019f98
>  /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):          #02  pc 00024ab8
>  /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):          #03  pc 0001d8c8  /system/lib/libutils.so
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):          #04  pc 0001de32  /system/lib/libutils.so
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):          #05  pc 000118e4  /system/lib/libc.so
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):          #06  pc 000114b0  /system/lib/libc.so
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73): code around pc:
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73): 83619a50 ffb8f7ff edd06ca0 23000a0b 6ec7a919
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73): 83619a60 0a07edc4 0a0ced90 0454f8df 0a08ed84
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73): 83619a70 7a17edd7 edc44478 64e37a09 e88cf7fe
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73): 83619a80 9819b940 024cf104 1438f8df 44796945
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73): 83619a90 4798682b e430f8df 0924f10d ad1a2600
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73): code around lr:
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73): 801049f0 e1853f92 e3530000 1afffffa e8bd8070
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73): 80104a00 e92d4070 e1a04000 e1a05001 ebffffd4
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73): 80104a10 e1950f9f e0802004 e1853f92 e3530000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73): 80104a20 1afffffa e8bd8070 e1a01000 e3e00000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73): 80104a30 eafffff2 e1a01000 e3a00001 eaffffef
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73): stack:
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d20  0021266c
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d24  8362c738
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d28  00100000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d2c  80e1bb3f  /system/lib/libui.so
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d30  00100000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d34  afd13ec7  /system/lib/libc.so
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d38  00212518
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d3c  00000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d40  00212560
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d44  002125f8
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d48  fffffec0
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d4c  836199d5
>  /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d50  00212518
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d54  002125f8
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d58  df002777
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d5c  e3a070ad
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73): #00 447c5d60  00000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d64  00001000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d68  83626e5a
>  /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d6c  8021dda1  /system/lib/libutils.so
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d70  fffffff8
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d74  0011f048
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d78  00000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d7c  00212578
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d80  00000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d84  0011f048
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d88  00000001
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d8c  8021dcab  /system/lib/libutils.so
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d90  00000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d94  00000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d98  00000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5d9c  00000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5da0  00000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5da4  00000001
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5da8  00000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5dac  00100000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5db0  00001000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5db4  00000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5db8  00000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5dbc  002125b8
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5dc0  fffffff8
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5dc4  00212570
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5dc8  00212570
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5dcc  00000001
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5dd0  00000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5dd4  83626e5a
>  /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5dd8  0021258c
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5ddc  0021257c
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5de0  00000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5de4  8021dd93  /system/lib/libutils.so
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5de8  00000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5dec  00212578
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5df0  8021dcf1  /system/lib/libutils.so
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5df4  001143a0
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5df8  447c5e84
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5dfc  002121f0
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e00  00212518
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e04  001143a0
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e08  00100000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e0c  8361a00f
>  /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e10  002125a8
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e14  8361a023
>  /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e18  002125a8
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e1c  80215b8f  /system/lib/libutils.so
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e20  00212518
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e24  50a823c7
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e28  8362cc54
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e2c  00212518
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e30  00000000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e34  447c5e84
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e38  002121f0
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e3c  00212518
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e40  001143a0
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e44  00100000
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e48  00000001
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e4c  83619f9d
>  /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73): #01 447c5e50  00212160
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e54  8362b7cc
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e58  447c5e84
> > > I/DEBUG   (   73):     447c5e5c  83624abd
>  /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so
> >
> > > Thanks and Regards
> > > k b
> >
> > > --
> > > unsubscribe: android-kernel+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > > website:http://groups.google.com/group/android-kernel
> >
> > --
> > Steve Modica
> > CTO -  Small Tree Communicationswww.small-tree.com
> > phone: 651-209-6509 ext 301
> > mobile: 651-261-3201
> --
> unsubscribe: android-kernel+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> website: http://groups.google.com/group/android-kernel

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