Also, in Froyo, it might not be a good idea to enable ext4.
Because the framework code may not be handling the buffering issue for ext4,
as being done in GB.


On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 6:56 AM, Arindam Roy <> wrote:

> Hello Andria,
> I am assuming you built the driver as part of kernel aend did not make it a
> module.
> Also, how are ensuring while building the system.img, and ramdisk.img,
> proper ext4 filesystems are being built.
> Can you share the command line, or make file changes?
> Thanks,
> Arindam
> On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 5:44 PM, andria <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to moun /data with ext4 instead of yaffs2 on a froyo
>> emulator.
>> 1- I enabled the support of ext3 and ext4 in the .config and built a
>> new kernel
>> 2- I launched the emulator with the new zImage to make sure that there
>> was no error. No error
>> 3- I replaced yaffs2 with ext4 in the init.rc inside froyo source and
>> built new system.img and ramdisk.img
>> mount yaffs2 mtd@userdata /data nosuid nodev --> mount ext4
>> mtd@userdata /data nosuid nodev
>> 4- I launched the emulator and I got errors. Errors occur: services
>> always die and there is problem with the framework. Here is a sample
>> of the error message:
>> D/AudioHardwareInterface(  152): setMode(NORMAL)
>> I/CameraService(  152): CameraService started: pid=152
>> I/AudioFlinger(  152): AudioFlinger's thread 0xb3f0 ready to run
>> E/keystore(  158): chdir: /data/misc/keystore: No such file or
>> directory
>> D/AndroidRuntime(  157):
>> D/AndroidRuntime(  157): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START
>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>> D/AndroidRuntime(  157): CheckJNI is ON
>> E/dalvikvm(  157): Can't open dex cache '/data/dalvik-cache/
>> system(at)framework(at)core.jar(at)classes.dex': No such file or
>> directory
>> I/dalvikvm(  157): Unable to open or create cache for /system/
>> framework/core.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/
>> system(at)framework(at)core.jar(at)classes.dex)
>> D/dalvikvm(  157): Unable to process classpath element '/system/
>> framework/core.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm(  157): Can't open dex cache '/data/dalvik-cache/
>> system(at)framework(at)ext.jar(at)classes.dex': No such file or
>> directory
>> I/dalvikvm(  157): Unable to open or create cache for /system/
>> framework/ext.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/
>> system(at)framework(at)ext.jar(at)classes.dex)
>> D/dalvikvm(  157): Unable to process classpath element '/system/
>> framework/ext.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm(  157): Can't open dex cache '/data/dalvik-cache/
>> system(at)framework(at)framework.jar(at)classes.dex': No such file or
>> directory
>> I/dalvikvm(  157): Unable to open or create cache for /system/
>> framework/framework.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/
>> system(at)framework(at)framework.jar(at)classes.dex)
>> D/dalvikvm(  157): Unable to process classpath element '/system/
>> framework/framework.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm(  157): Can't open dex cache '/data/dalvik-cache/
>> system(at)framework(at)android.policy.jar(at)classes.dex': No such
>> file or directory
>> I/dalvikvm(  157): Unable to open or create cache for /system/
>> framework/android.policy.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/
>> system(at)framework(at)android.policy.jar(at)classes.dex)
>> D/dalvikvm(  157): Unable to process classpath element '/system/
>> framework/android.policy.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm(  157): Can't open dex cache '/data/dalvik-cache/
>> system(at)framework(at)services.jar(at)classes.dex': No such file or
>> directory
>> I/dalvikvm(  157): Unable to open or create cache for /system/
>> framework/services.jar (/data/dalvik-cache/
>> system(at)framework(at)services.jar(at)classes.dex)
>> D/dalvikvm(  157): Unable to process classpath element '/system/
>> framework/services.jar'
>> E/dalvikvm(  157): ERROR: no valid entries found in bootclasspath '/
>> system/framework/core.jar:/system/framework/ext.jar:/system/framework/
>> framework.jar:/system/framework/android.policy.jar:/system/framework/
>> services.jar'
>> W/dalvikvm(  157): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
>> E/AndroidRuntime(  157): JNI_CreateJavaVM failed
>> I/ServiceManager(   27): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
>> I/ServiceManager(   27): service 'media.player' died
>> I/ServiceManager(   27): service '' died
>> I/ServiceManager(   27): service 'media.audio_policy' died
>> I/        (  159): ServiceManager: 0xacd0
>> D/AudioHardwareInterface(  159): setMode(NORMAL)
>> I/CameraService(  159): CameraService started: pid=159
>> I/AudioFlinger(  159): AudioFlinger's thread 0xb3f0 ready to run
>> Did I miss something to mount succesfully /data with ext4?
>> --
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