hey chris thanks a lot...and sorry for posting the question to a wrong

On May 12, 4:17 am, Chris Stratton <cs07...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tuesday, May 10, 2011 3:01:28 AM UTC-4, Gopi wrote:
> >     I am developing an android device administration system. I need to
> > create a  process that starts along with the OS and connect to a
> > server port from where the device will be monitored. so please guide
> > me in creating a process or redirect me to the correct documentation
> > and resources that can help me in.
> This is the kernel group, so what is relevant is that the kernel runs one
> user space process on startup.
> On android this is typically /init which typically reads an init script file
> /init.rc which may or may not call other files on other partitions.  On a
> typical android device both init and init.rc are in a compressed ramdisk
> packaged with the kernel, so if you find yours is calling to another script
> on an actual partition that may be the best place to make your additions.  
> But what you want to do is not really on topic for the kernel group -
> probably it belongs on porting or platform.

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