My plan is to do call through GSM module.
Here is what i got the log:

I/RIL     ( 1043): Opening tty device /dev/s3c2410_serial2
D/AT      ( 1043): AT> ATE0Q0V1
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< ATE0Q0V1
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< OK
D/AT      ( 1043): AT> ATE0Q0V1
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< OK
D/AT      ( 1043): AT> ATS0=0
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< OK
D/AT      ( 1043): AT> AT+CMEE=1
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< OK
D/AT      ( 1043): AT> AT+CREG=2
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< OK
D/AT      ( 1043): AT> AT+CGREG=1
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< +CREG: 1,"2533","0F6E"
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< OK
D/AT      ( 1043): AT> AT+CCWA=1
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< +CGREG: 0
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< OK
D/AT      ( 1043): AT> AT+CMOD=0
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< OK
D/AT      ( 1043): AT> AT+CMUT=1
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< +CME ERROR: 3
D/AT      ( 1043): AT> AT+CSSN=0,1
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< OK
D/AT      ( 1043): AT> AT+COLP=0
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< OK
D/AT      ( 1043): AT> AT+CSCS="HEX"
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< OK
D/AT      ( 1043): AT> AT+CUSD=1
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< OK
D/AT      ( 1043): AT> AT+CGEREP=1,0
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< +CME ERROR: 3
D/AT      ( 1043): AT> AT+CMGF=0
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< OK
D/AT      ( 1043): AT> AT+CFUN?
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< +CFUN: 1
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< OK
D/AT      ( 1043): AT> AT+CPIN?
D/AT      ( 1043): AT< +CPIN: READY
I/PHONE   ( 1224): Network Mode set to 0
I/PHONE   ( 1224): Cdma Subscription set to 1
I/PHONE   ( 1224): Creating GSMPhone
I/RILJ    ( 1224): Connected to 'rild' socket
D/PHONE   ( 1224): mDoesRilSendMultipleCallRing=true
D/PHONE   ( 1224): mCallRingDelay=3000
W/GSM     ( 1224): Can't open /system/etc/voicemail-conf.xml
W/GSM     ( 1224): Can't open /system/etc/spn-conf.xml
D/GSM     ( 1224): [DSAC DEB] registerForPsRestrictedEnabled
D/GSM     ( 1224): [DSAC DEB] registerForPsRestrictedDisabled
D/GSM     ( 1224): [GsmDataConnection-1] DataConnection constructor E
D/GSM     ( 1224): [GsmDataConnection-1] clearSettings
D/GSM     ( 1224): [GsmDataConnection-1] DataConnection constructor X
D/GSM     ( 1224): [GsmDataConnection-1] Made GsmDataConnection-1
D/STK     ( 1224): StkService: StkService: is running
D/STK     ( 1224): StkService: NEW sInstance
D/RILJ    ( 1224): [0001]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS
E/GSM     ( 1224): Wrong network type: 0
E/GSM     ( 1224): Wrong network type: 0
D/GSM     ( 1224): Poll ServiceState done:  oldSS=[1 home null null
null  Unknown CSS not supported 0 0RoamInd: 0DefRoamInd: 0EmergOnly:
false] newSS=[1 home null null null  Unknown CSS not supported -1
-1RoamInd: -1DefRoamInd: -1EmergOnly: false] oldGprs=1 newGprs=1
oldType=unknown newType=unknown
D/GSM     ( 1224): [GsmDataConnection-1] DcInactiveState:
msg.what=EVENT_RESET, ignore we're already reset
D/GSM     ( 1224): [GsmDataConnection-1] NotifyDisconnectCompleted
D/GSM     ( 1224): [GsmDataConnection-1] clearSettings
D/GSM     ( 1224): [DataConnection] Stop poll NetStat
D/GSM     ( 1224): [DataConnection] Stop poll NetStat
D/GSM     ( 1224): [DSAC DEB] trySetupData with mIsPsRestricted=false
D/GSM     ( 1224): [IccCard] Broadcasting intent
D/RILJ    ( 1224): WAKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT  mReqPending=0 mRequestList=2
D/RILJ    ( 1224): 1: [1] GET_CURRENT_CALLS
D/PHONE   ( 1224): VM: PhoneSubInfo.getVoiceMailNUmber:
D/RILJ    ( 1224): [0002]> SET_MUTE false
D/RILJ    ( 1224): [0003]> SCREEN_STATE: false
D/GSM     ( 1224): [DataConnection] Stop poll NetStat

When make a call, the phone app show:Mobile network not available.

Can you give me some advice ? What's the matter?


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