I download the android sdk and create an avd for android-10
then I launch the emulator with that avd
and try to delete a system apk in /system/app

so I do

adb remount
adb shell rm /system/app/Browser.apk

but it complains
"rm failed for Browser.apk, Directory not empty"

but in my AOSP build , Browser.apk can be removed

I check 'mount' , I think my /system/ is writable
"/dev/block/mtdblock0 /system yaffs2 rw 0 0"

therefore I use strace to see the log
in my sdk emulator, it return -1 in unlink

" unlink("/system/app/Browser.apk")      = -1 ENOTEMPTY (Directory not
empty) "

so I checkout the source of kernel from github and build the kernel to
see what happens


and boot the emulator with my kernel
the apk can be deleted now

so my question is

1. why cannot I delete the apk in /system/app
2. where can I get the correct and same kernel source as SDK uses??


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