Looked in to the clock_gettime() it is not going to work as it has to be
called inside the process, also it gives the total time taken for a
function to complete. This will include the time other processes was using
the CPU as well ryt?

Yes my goal was to make a process consume more processor by lowering the
nice value. Thank you for the link it explained it nicely. However I did a
calculation using only utime(process time spent in user space) it didn't
show any significant increase after lowering nice and worse when the
application is in the background( by pressing the home button) utime
difference is zero. Don't know if kernel space time is increased, but seems
very unlikely.

These are the results,
   pid: 263
              dutime: 8      7786       7778
            priority: 10
                nice: -10

                 pid: 263
              dutime: 8      7794       7786
            priority: 15
                nice: -5

                 pid: 263
              dutime: 7      7801       7794
            priority: 15
                nice: -5

                 pid: 263
              dutime: 4      7805       7801
            priority: 15
                nice: -5

                 pid: 263
              dutime: 9      7814       7805
            priority: 15
                nice: -5

                 pid: 263
              dutime: 8      7822       7814
            priority: 5
                nice: -15

dutime is the difference of utimes in 5 second intervals.

when it's pushed in to the background,

                 pid: 263
              dutime: 9      8264       8255
            priority: 5
                nice: -15

                 pid: 263
              dutime: 0      8264       8264
            priority: 5
                nice: -15

                 pid: 263
              dutime: 0      8264       8264
            priority: 5
                nice: -15

the difference in utime is zero..

So this brings up a new question, How can I make a process consume MORE
processor time?

Any ideas?

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 2:34 AM, Alexander Ray <a...@google.com> wrote:

> I don't quite understand what you're trying to do here.  Is the goal to
> make a process consume more processor?  If you run a process at a higher
> priority, it isn't guaranteed to take more cpu time.  For example, a
> heavily i/o bound process could just be woken up a bit faster after
> blocking, but still consume the same processor time.
> As far as calculating cpu usage of a process, this stackoverflow 
> question<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1420426/calculating-cpu-usage-of-a-process-in-linux>
>  answers
> it better than I could.
> Might be able to give a better answer if you explained a bit more about
> your use case.
> ~Alex
> On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 1:32 AM, Kanishka Ariyapala <kanishka...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> I looked in to the /proc/<pid>/stat and it gives some use full
>> information about the process. There are many time variables and what
>> should I use to calculate the CPU time?
>> Also is there a way to measure if the CPU time slice has increased or the
>> frequency of getting the CPU has in creased after a renice?
>> here is an output of /proc/<pid>/stat,
>>   # ./procstat 1142
>>                  pid: 1142
>>                tcomm: (com.test.noise3)
>>                state: S
>>                 ppid: 37
>>                 pgid: 37
>>                  sid: 0
>>               tty_nr: 0
>>             tty_pgrp: -1
>>                flags: 4194624
>>              min_flt: 6040
>>             cmin_flt: 0
>>              maj_flt: 0
>>             cmaj_flt: 0
>>                utime: 11.590000
>>                stime: 7.790000
>>               cutime: 0.000000
>>               cstime: 0.000000
>>             priority: 20
>>                 nice: 0
>>          num_threads: 8
>>        it_real_value: 0.000000
>>           start_time: 06.25 15:24 (2698.61s)
>>                vsize: 137080832
>>                  rss: 5090
>>               rsslim: 4294967295
>>           start_code: 32768
>>             end_code: 36524
>>          start_stack: 3199794400
>>                  esp: 3199793352
>>                  eip: 2949704456
>>              pending: 0000000000000000
>>              blocked: 0000000000001204
>>               sigign: 0000000000000000
>>             sigcatch: 00000000000094e8
>>                wchan: 4294967295
>>                zero1: 0
>>                zero2: 0
>>          exit_signal: 0000000000000011
>>                  cpu: 0
>>          rt_priority: 0
>>               policy: 0
>> #
>> can any body give some ideas?
>> On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 8:20 AM, kanishka <kanishka...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I want to measure if there is any increase in CPU usage by a process
>>> after issuing the renice command. top gives CPU usage as a percentage, is
>>> there a way to measure the time a process spent on the CPU in mili/nano
>>> seconds?
>>> What are the other possible ways of achieving this?
>>> Kanishka
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