I am modifying the respective "init.rc" found in ~/system/core/rootdir" and 
"init.tuna.rc" in "~/device/samsung/tuna" files so that there are a few 
echo commands to help me debug.

Does anyone know if Google/Android's RC files do not allow Linux syntax 
like this?  I am using a line of code inserted at various points within the 
RC file such as:

*# Checkpoint 0.1
    echo "Check 0.1:  About to create basic filesystem structure and set up 
the wpa_supplicant configuration!" >>& `pwd`/Desktop/boot_log_general.txt*

I am trying to reroute the normal output to a file I can find elsewhere and 
view to at least how far the phone steps in the boot process at the 
initialization stage.  Should this work or is there developer 
command/syntax to get some kind of output from the RC?

Any guidance to help me set up at least this kind of rudimentary kind of 
debugging during the boot process would be greatly appreciated!

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