The class is the IP adduced or Mac of device's

On Aug 2, 2012 2:47 AM, "Pieter" <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I solved it. It seems you have to specify the class, otherwise it is in
the class "default". In your init.rc, there are only statements for
class_start core and class_start main. So you have to specifiy the class
and add (if needed) an appropriate class_start statement.
> On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 9:12:13 AM UTC+2, Pieter wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am trying to call a script at boot time.  The script is available
inside /system/sbin, but it seems it is not executed.
>> Here are the details.
>> In my init.<target>.rc:
>> service sampleservice /system/bin/sh /system/sbin/
>>      user root
>>      oneshot
>> The script itself:
>> #!/system/bin/sh
>> echo The sample script works!
>> echo "The sample script works!" > /data/misc/samplescript
>> The permissions of /system/sbin/ are as
follows: -rw-r--r--
>> Doing from command line "sh /system/sbin/" works
perfectly, but it seems the script is not executed at boot time. There are
no entries in /data/misc/samplescript
>> * How can I resolve this issue? Where should I see the output of the
"echo" command? Is there another/better way to have it printed in logcat or
>> * The script itself is not executable. Does this matter and if yes, how
do I have to make it executable? In my original directory it is executable,
but somehow during the copy process (with PRODUCT_LOCAL_COPY) the
executable rights disappear.
>> * Another option I see is that I did not "register" a service as such
(e.b. by specifiying "LOCAL_MODULE" in your and mention it in and perhaps this is just not the right way to call a sh script at
boot time?
>> Any help is more than welcome!
>> Best regards,
>> Pieter
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