I'm curious if this has ever been tested on an android or otherwise mobile 
open source device?

In theory it only benefits the user to simply replace pfifo_fast with 

However, since codel targets a 5ms lag window by default (and allows for 
100ms bursts by default), I think it may need some tuning for a 3G/4G 
network to allow for more latency.

Anyways, I might play around with this on my tablet at least if compiling 
the android kernel isn't too difficult.

On Wednesday, July 25, 2012 8:00:04 AM UTC-7, Sean McNamara wrote:
> Hi All,
> With the recent release of the Linux 3.5 kernel[1], the sch_fq_codel 
> TCP/IP scheduler has been pulled into the mainline kernel. For those 
> unfamiliar, this is the "Fair Queue Controlled Delay Active Queue 
> Management" algorithm (hereafter referred to as "fq_codel"), based on an 
> IETF draft[2] and enhanced by Eric Dumazet, who authored the Linux kernel 
> implementation and enhanced it by adding the "Fair Queue" component.
> The purpose of fq_codel is to schedule packets in an "intelligent" way to 
> enhance the user experience in common use cases: the goals are to maximize 
> bandwidth utilization; minimize buffer bloat; allow small requests such as 
> small HTTP downloads, VoIP packets, etc. to quickly get across the network 
> while still allowing large requests such as streaming video to use a lot of 
> bandwidth and use the buffering to compensate for jitter; and to 
> efficiently address problems introduced by link asymmetry (e.g. faster 
> downstream than upstream).
> On a common Android device connected to a 3G/4G cellular network, there 
> are many sources of buffer bloat, and many different areas where 
> controlling buffer sizes would be useful. The Linux kernel fq_codel 
> implementation can not address all of these areas, because, for example, 
> the cellular baseband processor tends not to run Linux, but it undoubtedly 
> has some significant buffering. But a very significant part of that buffer 
> bloat is the kernel IP stack's queues, which live in the operating system 
> kernel rather than on the baseband.
> The observed result, which most people should be able to reproduce if 
> you're on a cellular network, is that there is excessive buffering, leading 
> to large delays in sending/receiving packets, when the network is 
> saturated. A user-friendly way to observe this result is to run the ICSI 
> Netalyzr test[3], but you'll either need a Java Applet environment on your 
> Android device, or you will need to run the applet from another device that 
> is networked with your phone. If you choose the latter, it is recommended 
> that you enable fq_codel on the tethered device, and use a wired connection 
> such as Ethernet or USB, to minimize the impact of adding a hop to the 
> connection. If for some reason you can't run the Netalyzr test, you can 
> also try the codel HOWTO test[4], but it is not necessary to run the 
> ethtool command if you are able to easily saturate your link -- seeing how 
> most cellular broadband links are quite slow, just sending random data over 
> ssh to a dedicated server should give you a sufficiently saturated link for 
> several seconds, long enough to run the test, which is basically a 
> continuous ping while sending as much data as possible to another machine 
> over ssh.
> The problem is that, with the current scheduling algorithm of pfifo_fast, 
> it is very easy to introduce unreasonable latencies on the cellular 
> connection (or really, any other connection you can saturate, e.g. slow 
> wifi links), and it is often out of the control of the user due to the way 
> programs like to do things on Android without asking the user.
> For example, you could be playing a real time multiplayer game on your 
> phone, frequently sending and receiving tiny bits of data over UDP. Then 
> your Play Store randomly decides to check for updates and finds that a 20 
> MB program (Google Chrome, say) needs to be updated. It starts downloading. 
> Your latency within the game will skyrocket from typical 
> unsaturated network latencies of ~50 to 200ms (depending on the cellular 
> tech used, e.g. EvDO vs LTE) to something on the order of 3000 ms, ruining 
> your experience. This is an extremely repeatable test and it transcends all 
> barriers of device manufacturer, hardware, signal strength, carrier, and so 
> on.
> The reason for this is that the "pfifo_fast" scheduling algorithm -- and 
> most others within the Linux kernel other than fq_codel -- make either NO 
> attempt to reduce/control buffer sizes, or their attempts are ultimately 
> ineffective, or they require a lot of manual tuning to be even remotely 
> successful at doing so.
> Another example scenario: the user is on a VoIP call (Google Voice, Skype, 
> etc) using only a modest amount of bandwidth on the network, say, 10 or 20% 
> (the compression on these services is amazing). During the call the user 
> has the impulse to download a large file, say a Word document or PDF, over 
> the internet using the Browser app. A few seconds after the download 
> starts, the queues explode in size, and the latencies make it impossible 
> for the time-sensitive VoIP packets to reach their destination in time. As 
> a result, many of the packets that are received have to be discarded, and 
> you end up with a lot of jitter and re-sends, which just further compounds 
> the problem by further saturating the network and making the buffers even 
> larger, which creates a positive feedback loop. Within a minute, 9 times 
> out of 10, the VoIP call will completely drop because one or both ends will 
> have timed out from being unable to get a packet across the wire within the 
> allowed time slot.
> I would like to propose a two-stage approach to combatting buffer bloat on 
> cellular networks. One of the stages directly involves the Android kernel; 
> the other stage does not.
> Stage 1: The Android kernel should either backport the fq_codel code to 
> current kernel trees, or else upgrade to at least the 3.5 kernel. Once the 
> fq_codel code is integrated into the Android kernel trees, one way or 
> another, it then has to be enabled by default. It is recommended to compile 
> it built-in to the kernel, since, once it's enabled, it'd be used all of 
> the time. This can be accomplished by setting CONFIG_NET_SCH_CODEL=y and 
> CONFIG_NET_SCH_FQ_CODEL=y . Then, it has to be enabled at runtime for the 
> relevant network interfaces using the `tc qdisc` command (see [4] for 
> detaiils).
> Once all of this is accomplished, there should be a measurable reduction 
> in latency over saturated links. Note that saturation occurs very quickly 
> for protocols that are not very "chatty"; for instance, HTTP downloads. 
> Even for a small download on the order of 1 - 2 MB, the network is 
> saturated for a fraction of a second, and that can be enough to cause 
> buffers to start bloating. Also, the slower the connection, the easier it 
> is to saturate, because it is more likely that the requested bandwidth is 
> available on the remote server. So this is less of a problem for upcoming 
> networks like LTE Advanced, where speeds of up to 100 Mbps are expected -- 
> it is not very common to be able to max out a 100 Mbps connection when 
> downloading from an arbitrary server over the public Internet. But a 3G or 
> 2G connection is basically always saturated whenever the device is doing 
> almost anything with the network.
> Stage 2: Once the OS-level buffers are under control by fq_codel, it's 
> time to lean on hardware manufacturers who make cellular basebands to add 
> the codel algorithm to their products. It can be efficiently implemented 
> either in software or directly in silicon, according to [2]. Although the 
> local computation is obviously more complex than simpler / trivial 
> scheduling algorithms -- such as pfifo_fast -- Moore's Law should obviate 
> the availability of spare cycles for scheduling on modern devices, even for 
> tiny baseband processors running the scheduling algorithm in software.
> The end result will be that users can simultaneously enjoy low latency 
> services such as VoIP and real-time gaming, while saturating the connection 
> with high-utilization protocols such as large HTTP uploads/downloads. With 
> the current implementation, this is not really possible.
> [1]: http://kernel.org
> [2]: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-nichols-tsvwg-codel-00
> [3]: http://netalyzr.icsi.berkeley.edu 
> [4]: http://www.bufferbloat.net/projects/codel/wiki/HOWTO
> Thoughts? Comments?
> Thanks,
> Sean McNamara

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