I'm doing a porting from a stock rom to android aosp but when the build 
system compiles the library* libion.so* and the device starts up it 
complains about some missing methods that are present in the* /include* 
folder of the stock kernel and so in the kernel headers that the vendor 
My question is: how can I compile, for example, the libion.so with the 
ion.h ion.c provided in stock kernel? How can I tell to the build system to 
use the vendor header from the stock kernel? I noticed that bionic in libc 
dir has a tool to update the headers as explained here but when I try to do

bionic/libc/kernel/tools/generate_uapi_headers.sh --download-kernel

it downloads a new kernel from the web? How can I force to use mine in 
*kernel/<vendor>/<device>* folder? Do you know any book or site about the 
relationship between android kernel compiling?

Thanks to someone can answer to me, maybe that's a noob question..

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