
I'm trying to find the best way to record video from external uvc camera.

As I understand there are several options:
1) Video 4 Linux
2) https://github.com/ktossell/libuvc
3) External camera API described 
in https://source.android.com/devices/halref/camera__common_8h_source.html

I don't like too much 1st and 2nd option:
a) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vaultmicro.camerafi is 
based on libuvc and it's so unstable, on some devices doesn't work at all, 
also it uses external libraries for processing raw data from camera(not 
android build-in-codecs), as result up to 60% of processor time is used to 
display full screen camera preview on nexus 5. After 15 min of such 
"previewing" nexus5 is too hot and preview image is so laggy. 
b) Video 4 Linux sometimes requires root access
c) In both cases it's impossible to use android camera framework. Don't 
think it's good idea to reinvent camera api

The most promising options is 3. Due 
to https://source.android.com/devices/halref/camera__common_8h_source.html:

External camera (e.g. USB hot-plug camera) support. The API updates specify 
> that
> the camera static info is only available when camera is connected and 
> ready to
> use for external hot-plug cameras. Calls to get static info will be invalid
> calls when camera status is not CAMERA_DEVICE_STATUS_PRESENT. The 
> frameworks
> will only count on device status change callbacks to manage the available 
> external
> camera list.

it's possible to communicate with external camera using camera api. it's 
available for Version: 2.4 [CAMERA_MODULE_API_VERSION_2_4]
But I'm not familiar with camera module version system and don't know if 
the support of external cameras is mandatory for vendors.

So my questions are:
1) What is minimal android api level that supports external cameras?
2) Do all the devices starting from some api level have to support external 


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